[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 362


Spread between Italian... - For every peep, a different duck, why does no one bring up the debts of Japan and the US?

2. Martini - diluted vodka with dissolved chupa-chups.

3. Ferry Fox - a pathetic semblance of opera, with kolkhoz tuning and named almost like detergent for housewives.

Good night.


I'm taking my laptop in for repair... (posted my zulu trade in my profile - no comment necessary!)



A great GP on Kanga Kiwi. Who's with me?

Interesting....The majority of "hamsters" have positions on the buy side :-) (GBP/USD)

Welcome back my favourites ! ) And now a "factual" analysis of positions, if you're too lazy to go to the sites I gave you before

Bingo ! GBP USD has taken victims - now we are losing them - similarly with AUD USD - look at the AUD index - a herd of hamsters has bought

On EURUSD, a fair market - but few victims - moves to lure you in any direction to entice you to buy or sell

And now for the Detailed Analysis

EURUSD - isn't it great >? hamster positions almost 50/50

Moving on GBPUSD - slightly more likely to take a BUY

What is the bottom line ? Let's figure out the balance and which way the market will go - where there was already more demand or where the stops, profits and greenfields are ?

Good luck ! so far the facts are there -

PS / ah yes I forgot - check your faith open EuR JPY it is overbought by 75% beautiful to watch how buy -

EUR CAD - EUR CHF is down - wait for it

Interesting....The majority of "hamsters" have positions on the buy side :-) (GBP/USD)
But there is always a clever one, who will enter the market against yesterday's positions. )))

You're a fool, Misha. In an audit, normal people have strategic postures. For years or months. You can't move anyone with a couple of hundred pips down there. You can make a fortune on swaps in a year. And the goal is global at 1.15.

But there is always a clever one who will enter the market against yesterday's pipsips, hamsters who have already scattered. )))

Think about why GBP USD is falling and EUR USD is not falling in sync - I have a theory that before going north they are being drowned in losses and stops = as if to take a load off -

When it's 50/50 and we go north - then there will be no live losses at 300 pips and so on - they will go down as long as the statistics are on their side

So everyone would be in the money on this planet )))) and we are fodder - bankers would cut the cabbage on us and our elks )) that's probably their way of doing business.

on Master forex v rightly said - not to be all rich - 90% must be in the red to give us a profit.

Example ? GBP USD are more than half in buys and they are gone - people are afraid to sell the euro as it may go up - and the victims have not gathered - great)

They'll be analyzing or making news - buy EUR, you will buy it and they will throw a train with hamsters under a rock - the result of our actions is as follows ))

I can give you over 200 examples of losing the market by using news and analytics as well as psychology and waiting for the market.

Why do you think I'm not being nice? I collect your money that is pitched against me and you collect my money that is pitched against you.

EUR JPY - + 90 ppts - GBP USD + 200 ppts - I could sell the euro dollar - but there are no victims who would give me points with you -

In general, we are waiting for analysis on the collection of victims, it may be news, facts, etc - the manipulation of rates is amazing -

If you want a fair market go to the grain, coffee, or bean market - you can do it on metaalliums.

But here - prepare for anything.)


You're a fool, Misha. In an audit, normal people have strategic postures. For years or months. You can't move anyone with a couple of hundred pips down there. You can make a fortune on swaps in a year. And a global target of 1.15.

If you know what's going to happen in six months, you're probably incredibly rich and know everything - so you can afford to take a risk of a million dollars to watch the moose gobble up the position even further? ) I don't know what will happen with this pair and in a week I follow the price - no news and analytics = it's past and already passed

GBP CHF has fallen - a hell of a death - but none of you knew anything here - and made any assumptions - what am I talking about? if you knew anything you would be in the money ))))

Yesterday I bought GBP JPY - and sold EUR JPY - this is hedging - now I have a $200 profit - but I do not believe that it's that easy, the market has got me and my nerves so bad that I can break bricks with my head - so conclusions!


GBP USD has taken victims - now we are losing them - same with AUD USD - look at AUD index - a herd of hamsters has bought

On EURUSD, a fair market - but few victims - moves to lure you in any direction that would entice you to buy or sell

And now for the Detailed Analysis

EURUSD - isn't it great >? hamster positions almost 50/50

Moving on GBPUSD - slightly more likely to take a BUY

What is the bottom line ? Let's figure out the balance and which way the market will go - where there was already more demand or where the stops, profits and greenfields are ?

Good luck ! so far the facts are there -

PS / ah yes I forgot - check your faith open EuR JPY it is overbought by 75% beautiful to watch how buy -

EUR CAD - EUR CHF went down - wait for this pair

Alpari's "thermometers" are indicative but I can't vouch for the accuracy. I've been watching for a year but it's a low probability - the volumes may disappear and new ones may appear

the market is like any other mechanism, it seeks and goes to the balance point ( equilibrium)

we can say that it goes in the direction where the volumes are smaller, to increase (buy sell) or to decrease the opposite (sell-back, short, sell-down).

i.e. in money: to buy volumes give 1pp profit, you need to take it from sell and if there are less volumes, where to get it, it is ok to go to sell.

i do not want to rack my brain here is what we get from Alpari at the moment (data update every hour)

and separately

the AUDJPY is steep going down but may close buy and sell.)

Volumes are everything - positions are nothing!!! The market balances volumes not positions, positions stay with your brokerage company - volumes go to the market


And why do you keep saying the same thing for several hundred pages? About all kinds of hamsters and how they are cheated. You're already understood. Why keep repeating how "smart" you are while everyone else is stupid? Do you have low self-esteem?