[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 321


It's like a decision for the euro is good, for Athens -- bad, and where do we go after this kind of news, comment, please...
This was this morning's news.... Actually any "confusion" in the Eurozone reflects negatively on the Euro
I agree, we are waiting for a small rise and then we will go down.

* Belgian Finance Minister Didier Reynders: Europe and the IMF could lend Greece E6bn instead of E12bn in July - Irish Independent
Eurozone finance ministers are meeting on Sunday to decide whether and under what conditions additional support should be given to Greece. At the moment there is talk of E110bn of EU and IMF support, with the next tranche of E12bn due by July this year.

Eurogroup, Juncker: we have agreed on the details of the European stabilisation mechanism

16:47, 20.06.2011
"National ratification of the ESM will start soon so that it may enter into force by the end of 2012

" ESM activates from June 2013

" Any ESM bailout will be subject to conditions

" It is clear that Greek debt is supported, but will remain so only if Greece meets its obligations

" It is important that the Greek parliament passes the necessary bills in time (before July)

It seems to me that the ECB is just against bringing in private investors to restructure the debt. And it is the Germans who are demanding that banks and insurance companies get involved. That was the key point of contention. The German parliament only approved a bailout on the condition that private investors take part in this circus. And it was mandatory. Which the ECB would not agree to. Because that would be a debt restructuring and therefore equal to default. The Germans are now swearing at Merkel for agreeing with Sarkozy that participation will be free.
Eurozone finance ministers met on Sunday to decide whether additional support should be given to Greece and if so, under what conditions. At the moment it is a question of E110 billion of EU and IMF support, with another E12 billion tranche due to be received by July this year.

* Mayor of London recommends refusing aid for Greece

Britain must refuse to participate in the second bailout for Greece, the latter must be allowed to go bankrupt and leave the euro zone, said the mayor of London, Boris Johnson. Giving an interview to the Daily Telegraph, Johnson said the eurozone's recent problems had "exacerbated" the financial crisis and made it harder for finance minister George Osborne.

The ECB was against forced maturity extensions and decided to extend the term by exchanging ordinary bonds for long-term bonds and only on voluntary terms (I wrote about this above)...

Eurogroup, Juncker: we have agreed on the details of the European stabilisation mechanism

16:47, 20.06.2011
"National ratification of the ESM will start soon so that it may enter into force by the end of 2012

" ESM activates from June 2013

" Any ESM bailout will be subject to conditions

" It is clear that Greek debt is supported, but will remain so only if Greece meets its obligations

" It is important that the Greek parliament passes the necessary bills in time (before July)

* Majority of Greeks against reforms

The Greek daily Kathimerini has published an opinion poll conducted by Vima before last week's change of government. The poll showed that 47.5% want parliament to reject the proposed reforms and Greece to hold early elections. 34.8% of those polled would prefer the austerity programme to be approved so that the country can receive a new tranche.
I wonder what news will bring us to 1.4150 ? And then to 1.461.
Eurozone finance ministers met on Sunday to decide whether additional support should be given to Greece and if so, under what conditions. At the moment it is a question of E110 billion of EU and IMF support, with another E12 billion tranche due to be received by July this year.

* EUR/USD jumps on Juncker's comments

The euro/dollar pair gained momentum after receiving support on the comments of EU representative Juncker. It broke through this morning's high at 1.4253 and the offers posted from 1.4255/60 to 1.4272.