[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 290

And where are the waves, it seemed to be going well

As always when there is pronounced movement. We got waves and chaos, and Elder Momentum, and probably other strategies... and now we wait for what Trichet has to say. He can break the whole TA with one word. Unless, of course, he plans his speech based on some strategy.

My guess is that we have 1.4240 to 1.4250 to go up before the end of this hour and then down... to draw a diver on the 4H... We have it on the hour, but not on the 4H... that's a mess ))))))))

Well, if it hits the high of this watch, then up... no matter what Trichet says.

2011.06.17 00:01:18 *ECB President Trichet: There is a clear position that a default by Greece must be avoided
2011.06.17 00:02:02 *Trichet: Economic growth in the Eurozone since Q3 2009 is encouraging
2011.06.17 00:02:58 *Trichet: The euro has certainly proven successful as a stable currency
2011.06.17 00:03:32 *Trichet: It is very important to keep inflation expectations in check very well
He's spoken out too soon. Or will there be more?
It's a bit early for him to speak out. Or will there be more?
I can't figure it out myself.... All the economic calendars say 4:00 for Trichet's speech... Maybe it's some other speech or the time has been recalculated twice by Greenwich... So far so good...
It's a conspiracy )))) But seriously, it hasn't mattered what this blabbermouth says for a long time now )))) Happy selling to all )))) See you tomorrow ))))
On the Dow it says this: "

It is the clear position of the European Central Bank that a Greek default in any form should be avoided, as should any action in the Greek crisis that would spawn a credit event, ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet says in an interview to be released Friday .

Trichet tells the British newspaper The Times that the ECB is not making any decision on whether or not the private sector is involved in the next step in dealing with the Greek debt crisis.


But this is an interview, not a press conference. Definitely a conspiracy. Either the Times leaked it.

Anything can happen...it's just over an hour away

As I thought ...

Price got to 1.42130, I closed in the plus side and price reversed ... So, a new downward trend?


As I suspected ...

Yep, keep studying, and what's in a flat is not a trend ;)