[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 220


I present to you two woolfs.


I present to you two woolfs.

these triangles (now working, now not). Time is the longest period of a year - what was before is gone technically and fundamentally (look before confusing yourself). A month is a working period if within a month there is a growth and then a fall - the triangles work out (profit taking).

Now to work out October 10. ? the money is long gone there - received, spent.


I present to you two woolfs.

Two more of my own

two more of my own

same see post above. The Aussie will never fall there 0.74 again. (Unless of course everyone in australia becomes a junkie and the states find loads of gold)

Tntrick and Margaret posted euro forecasts about 10 pages ago, absolutely agree.
thanks for the vote of confidence. ()

same thing see post above. The Aussie will never drop 0.74 there again. (unless of course everyone in australia becomes a junkie and the states find lots of gold)
What if one scandalous person's dreams come true and we see $15 a barrel of oil ? ))
What if one scandalous person's dreams come true and we see $15 per barrel of oil? ))

there is no alternative (or not yet). the trend is 100> 200> 400> 800> 1600> long live ecology!
and two more of my own.

Ahhh - you victims are hamsters - the whole vulf in the stock market is devised for liquid zones - I myself have looked for a grail in this case believe me it works once in 10 times

And now examples - the euro yen has been going down for exactly a month and what?

euro franc - has been going down for 5 months - will you buy?

I made a 3x deposit only on USD JPY 2 months ago - and I represent real methods that work

And the money is real, not demo chips -

Well open 2009 25th month - 6 months - to sit in such a drawdown of 1000 pips is a balls of steel -


There is no alternative (or not yet) to less and less oil and the trend is 100> 200> 400> 800> 1600> long live ecology!

Yeah, only gasprom oil - I think it showed an article that oil is renewing at the same rate as it's being consumed - Bullshit but read it





Real reports of wells - which were depleted - then 5 years later they are full again - read the articles if this was a duck then oilmen would not fear for an oil bubble - then why did they force the price of petrol up in 2008 ? conspiracy of oil traders - and tycoons

When they invent something better than electricity there is nothing to worry about - according to the CIA and FBI - who supposedly collected UFO saucer remnants - their ships had no exhaust = and the engines themselves were built based on quantum fluctuations etc. which is in fact eternal energy - some even had water as fuel, hydrogen + other mixtures - and all this without exhaustion at maximum efficiency -


h ttp://primeinfo.net.ru/news35.html

Secrets are many - and you hamsters don't need to know much ))))


I rainbow increased my deposit 3 times just on USD JPY 2 months ago - and I represent real methods that work

And the money is real money, not demo funnies -

We're happy for you.