[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 94

Who has access to statistics on open positions?
Who has access to statistics on open positions?

I have an indicator. It takes data from the oanda. Want it?
post it, let's have a look.
post it, let's have a look.
oanda_v2.3.ex4  16 kb

So how's the euro falling today? ;) Who is closer to information, predictions, chiromancy...?

I'm not getting anything

What does the indicator show? Mine says filter 0%.

I'm going to post a picture....... and everyone will be drained.......))))

I got nothing.

I have a picture like this. I put it on my chart. I don't usually use it, so I can't say anything about it.

Try this one here:



on FEBRUARY it's always unpredictable......)