end of 2011. - Beginning of the second wave of the crisis - page 4


I understand the irony. Sorry, not interested.

Not at all ironic!!! Your predictions seem to me to be the most adequate, so it would be interesting to know the opinion of waveformers on monthly chart layouts like Alexey's, i.e. do you agree? or do you see a different picture?

HH: Why did you underline "Well, yes, that was hasty"? It was a response to Alexei's post.


This is the cost of oil production in Russia, and the Americans (oil producers) spend 40 quid for every barrel pumped out.

Americans now get oil for next to nothing, i.e. the value of oil = the value of the paper on which dollars are printed +

Free oil in Iraq + reaching for Libya, the biggest oil and gas country in the world.

p.s. Impunity breeds more aggression after all!


Americans now get oil for next to nothing, i.e. the value of oil = the value of the paper on which dollars are printed +

Free oil in Iraq + reaching out to Libya, the biggest oil and gas country.

p.s. Impunity breeds more aggression after all!

So the question remains. Who is going to pump oil for 12-15 quid?

The oil monopolies, which make billions of dollars in profits from oil every year, would sooner see the whole world than sell it for 12 to 15 quid a barrel.

Since the ruble is an oil derivative, look at brent-discount=urals, then take the figure from the ministry of finance at which the budget of the rf is balanced. And the lower the quarterly oil price from that figure, the lower the ruble and vice versa. About 33/$, 42/$, 50-55/$, look at oil

It's not just the ruble that's going down, it's all the commodity currencies: the Australian, the Canadian, the Norwegian krone


So the question remains. Who will pump oil for 12-15 quid?

Prices won't stay at $12-15 quid forever, for a few days at the most,

people will actively start buying up - get it cheaper! :) When the quid is at the highs - everything else will be at the bottom!


It's not just the ruble that's collapsing, it's all the commodity currencies: the Aussie, the Canadian, the Norwegian krone

Do you have a forecast for the yen? Particularly interesting because of recent events in Japan.

Prices won't stay at $12-15 USD forever, for a few days at the most,

people will actively start buying up - get it cheaper! :) When the quid is at its peak - everything else will be at the bottom!

So, according to your far-sighted/perspective theory, oil will go down in price because no one will need it for those few days? ))

Did I hear you right?


Is there a forecast for the yen? Particularly interesting because of recent events in Japan.

The events in Japan, were back in March, earlier I gave my commentary on the subject frankly too lazy to re-write ,

(see moderators ban links), so if interested in reading my opinion on the Yen

go to my PM, Forum Predictions and Commentary on Major Currencies, page 20 - that was just March 2011.

someone on here asked YOUR question...


So, according to your far-sighted/perspective theory, oil will go down in price because no one will need it for those few days? ))

Do I understand you correctly?

It's not my theory, I use Glenn Neely's simplified method in my predictions. And because of the fractal structure of the markets this theory

can be applied to absolutely any timeframe from minutes to months or even years.

Yes, that's exactly what I think, that when the stock markets crash, the price of raw materials will also go down, no one will buy oil at $125 a barrel.

If you look at the history of any price chart, the price doesn't stay at the lows for long.


This is not my theory, I use Glenn Neely's simplified method in my forecasts.

Yes, that's exactly what I think, when the stock markets go down, the price of raw materials will go down too, nobody will buy oil at $125 a barrel.

If you look at the history of any price chart, the price doesn't stay at the lows for long.

I see.

I'll redirect the oil flows to my dacha.

In the meantime, I'll start digging deep pools for storage.))