end of 2011. - Beginning of the second wave of the crisis - page 40


Redrawing is the opium of the people!


Overbidding is the opium of the people!

Predicting the future direction of the trend is not 100%, of course there is a margin of error, especially in terms of time.

What matters is the angle at which price came to the level (speed of movement) - it tells a lot, it becomes clear how it will move next.

I looked at the p.p. markup. EUR/USD, EUR/GBP and GBP/USD from July 01, 2010 and compared it to the current one... there is a margin of error...


1.72 = 0.9150 * 1.88

p.s. If the Euro reaches 1.72 by the end of 2011, the future is assured...


p.s. If the Euro reaches 1.72 by the end of 2011, the future is set...




Facepalm is a popular online expression in the form of a physical gesture. A more widely known interpretation of the expression is 'face covered with one hand', which is a manifestation of frustration. In online discussions, the term is used as an expression of embarrassment, disgust or general grief, as well as in response to obvious stupidity or false information.



Facepalm is a popular online expression in the form of a physical gesture. A more widely known interpretation of the expression is 'face covered with one hand', which is a manifestation of frustration. In online discussions, the term is used as an expression of embarrassment, disgust or general grief, as well as in response to obvious stupidity or false information.



Neyroba, there is a special branch And have you seen this drawing? I assure you the moderators will be very pleased to see your rams, shells and solar system in this branch. Perhaps, colleagues will introduce for you a quota for forecasts, no more than one per hand, say, predicted until the autumn, all - the next forecast only in autumn.


Whether you are deliberately or unintentionally responding to provocation, either way you are warned for flooding. If the response is not intentional, then you do not know how to use self-control and therefore moderators need to intervene. If you responded to the flooding "in your right mind and sober", then you are encouraging flooding in your thread and by extension in the thread in question, and therefore your appeals and requests to "not flood" are nothing but fiction and twaddle that lacks an ounce of credibility. You have been warned.

Neyroba, there is a special branch And have you seen this drawing? I assure you the moderators will be very pleased to see your rams, shells and solar system in this branch. Perhaps, colleagues will introduce for you quota on the forecasts, no more than one in a hand, say, predicted until the fall, all - the next forecast only in the fall.

Please excuse me if my posts annoy you.

All the forecasts for the current situation on the currency, stock and commodity markets I will post on my site, those who are interested can see them via my personal account.


You have been warned for spamming. The suggestion to "see the private line" is becoming too intrusive, and similar to "try the minced pork".