end of 2011. - Beginning of the second wave of the crisis - page 19


I think you should just change your mobile phone ;)
There you have it, you've learned that inflation is not measured by buckwheat.
Reading your posts, I conclude that you don't understand/understand the point of the films you recommended on page 6 of this thread. Watch the film more carefully/thinkfully. I also recommend that for an understanding of banking and profit making by banks, watch "Money is a debt pyramid".

Actually, it's not Prechter as you called him, his last name is Prechter.

Actually, before you correct someone, it's a good idea to get to the bottom of it. Now, the original spelling of the surname is "Robert R. Prechter", which in turn allows at least two variants of spelling and transcription in Russian: Prechter and Prechter (and Prechter).

But the word SEBUILD is purely Russian and the 4th letter in it is "e", not "i" in the quote below:


Oil will be sold at any exchange price because there is no other way out.

A simple example: You bought a $50,000 car in a showroom. As soon as you drove outside the showroom, the value of the car immediately went down,

i.e. if you want to sell it at cost, no one will buy it from you, only at a discount, i.e. you have to sell it at the market price.

By the way, this nonsense example illustrates a complete misunderstanding of a simple economic term, the name of which you spell incorrectly. Let's break it down:

Cars in a car dealership are NOT sold at cost price. At cost price they will not (with rare exceptions) sell even the manufacturer because he needs the profit for which he actually works. So the manufacturer's selling price = cost + profit. Retail price in the showroom = selling price of the manufacturer + costs (delivery, storage, etc.) + profit (or trade markup) showroom. I strongly recommend to study the concept of the term COST at least on wikipedia. After that you should understand that oil will not be sold cheaper than prime cost, which currently ranges from 30 to 50 dollars per barrel, depending on depth and type of deposit. They will simply stop pumping it although it is absurd as well since oil is and will be purchased not only as fuel but also for the needs of chemical industry. Even if alternative sources of energy/fuels are found/introduced, oil price will not drop below its production cost, it will simply be produced in smaller quantities. The volume of oil production is dependent on its needs, these are AZs.

Reading your posts, I come to the conclusion that you do not understand the essence of the films recommended by you on page 6 of this thread. Watch the film more carefully/thinkfully. I also recommend that for an understanding of banking and profit making by banks, watch "Money is a debt pyramid" (http://smotri.com/video/view/?id=v707303c5a8).

Thanks for the link, I will watch it. ))

Actually, before you correct someone, it would be a good idea to get to the bottom of it. So, the original spelling of the surname is "Robert R. Prechter", which in turn allows at least two spellings and transcriptions in Russian: Prechter and Prechter (and Prechter).

discussing Wave Theory is correct! and you do not have to read the book to do so :))))))))))


Uh-oh, the volumes on the longs are getting higher, which means that the Euro might move to the 61.8% resistance at 1.46, which is highlighted by the green fill.


Conclusions are drawn by generalising facts, not by taking particulars out of context.

Can you draw a conclusion on your own?

PS: I agree with Mishek:

Man, you're annoying.

And the GBP/AUD is even more interesting. GBP/AUD is even more interesting picture.
On the Importer 91% of clients are in Buy, and the volume on long positions is 93%, if you look at the price chart of GBP/AUD,
you can see that this pair is in the GLOBAL DAY, and the growth potential is quite good!

p.s. If the price goes below the psychological level of 1.5 - this is the most favourable time to buy the GBP against the Aussie.

Conclusions are drawn by summarising the facts, not by pulling particulars out of context.

Can you draw a conclusion yourself?


Yes I can, the only conclusion is that not everyone learns well at school! ;о)


Вывод один - не все хорошо учатся в школе! ;о)

Niroba, that's what I'm talking about.

The spelling of surnames is a moot point.

Do you know how the word Prechter sounds in English?

And if you are so shallow that you pick on a technical forum not for the essence, but for the euphony of words to your ears, then there is nothing for you to do here.