America's default, in Russian. - page 24


Oil, gas, drinking water and the like will all come down to one thing - poor/rich states, inequality and the powerful. Speculation, stock exchanges, forex...

time is what everyone has, in equal amounts. and no sources of it have yet been found.

It is clear that time is an irreplaceable value in our lives, but how do we exchange this time? Say I have repaired someone's television in 1 hour. He (someone) owes me 1 hour and plastered my wall. The plaster fell off the next day, but the TV still works. How can you practically carry out this transaction with time? You can't. Besides, it will also come down to one thing - there will be the time-rich and the time-poor. This cannot be avoided. Energy, on the other hand, is measurable, and it can, if you wish, be transformed, at your will, into various goods. Moreover, energy can even be produced by the dynamo into a common resource (with the development of this system), so there will be no beggars in principle, nor will there be slackers.


Development of energy storage technology.

Development of alternative energy.

The development of artificial intelligence.

End of era of natural resource depletion.

Improving the planet's ecology.

...but how is that time to be exchanged?
Remember the USSR: kolkhozes and sovkhozes - labour days! :)

energy can even be produced with a dynamo into a common resource (as this system develops)

You are standing on a big dynamo machine: the Earth is called. You know why it is hot inside - because it spins around its axis quite fast.

There is a construction called "heat pipe" (look inside your computer - it can be mounted on some radiator). I hope I don't need to explain further...

Don't get too excited (it's about always). When they started getting aluminium, it was more expensive than gold.
That does not mean that gold became cheaper, and they started throwing it around. Quid are also sometimes more expensive relative to gold, but that does not mean that gold is losing in value.

You're standing on a big dynamo: the 'Earth' it's called. You know why it's hot inside - because it's spinning around its axis quite fast.

There is a construction called "heat pipe" (look inside the computer - it may be mounted on some radiator). I hope I don't need to explain further...

On the contrary, it rotates from the inside.
On the contrary, it spins on the inside.
Doesn't it revolve on the outside? DDD Maybe the Sun revolves around the Earth with a period of 1 day?

You're standing on a big dynamo: the 'Earth' it's called. You know why it's hot inside - because it's spinning around its axis quite fast.

There is a construction called "heat pipe" (look inside the computer - it may be mounted on some radiator). I hope I don't have to explain further...

But, in spite of the fact that long time ago we could use free energy, we pay both for gas and petrol and for "peaceful" atom. And it's all the quid's fault. :)

Whatever we pay for, you have to agree that we pay the bulk of it for joules.

It does not mean that gold has fallen in value and that it is being tossed around. Quid sometimes appreciate in value relative to gold, but that does not mean that gold loses in value either, but that it is more profitable to exchange it for quid at that moment.
And I am not saying that it has fallen in price (and even in the near term it is not visible - we are not yet at the point of thermocide).

But despite the fact that we could have enjoyed free energy a long time ago, we pay for gas, petrol and the "peaceful" atom as well. And it's all the quid's fault. :)

Whatever we pay for, agree, we pay the bulk of it for joules.

And such a construction will also not be for free - think of its dimensions in real design - hence the strength characteristics, etc. etc. It is quite a complex structure - but in case of a cataclysm much safer than a nuclear power plant
Doesn't it spin on the outside? DDD maybe the Sun revolves around the Earth with a period of 1 day?

The driving point of rotation is at the centre of the planet!

ZS. don't mislead people.

The earth is hot on the inside not only because it rotates around its axis, it is also affected by external forces...