America's default, in Russian. - page 9

There is no need to be afraid of radioactivity. When combined with fasting, it is good for your health. It increases life expectancy by a factor of three.

This isn't the humor section! :)

As for Fukushima-1, the situation is not clear at all. Why aren't robots being used, for example?

It's not easy to make a robot to work in an emergency reactor area... Such things require an extremely specific element base that can withstand both temperature and radiation.
Exactly!!! even with a low dose of radiation, the p-n junction is a cakewalk

The "Humor" thread is not here! :)

Darkness... Read the works of Academician A.I. Vorobiev. He had patients from Chernobyl. He cured them all 100%.

Starvation is a powerful thing. It helps cure any disease. For the cause of all the diseases is the same.


Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed... Of course, everyone died in the epicentre, but long-livers appeared on the periphery equidistant from the epicentre. This was not seen anywhere else in Japan after the nuclear bombings.


For the cause of all diseases is the same.

What is it, if you don't mind me asking?

Which one, if you don't mind me asking?
It's not the same lifestyle.

Which one, if you don't mind me asking?

"The less you eat, the longer you live."

"We dig our own grave with a fork and a knife."

"A man eats what he eats."



And what a drink! Cheers, mate...


Vadim, aren't you a sun-eater by any chance? I've been fasting (nothing much to lose) for a fortnight, drinking water at sunrise and sunset before clouds came. It was all right. But I had a craving for a kebab. With beer and girls. A lot of eating, laughing...


And what a drink! Cheers, mate...

The toast is ripe:

Clean air and water is the best food! :)



Yes. And the Merka default - forget it. As they've been twitching since 1776, they'll still be twitching. God give us that kind of stability...


No, man! China's going to show us the bonds! Are they suicidal?