America's default, in Russian. - page 6


You can watch all kinds of movies, but movies are not going to change the world economy.
Sorry, I didn't know you were going to change the world economy. I wouldn't suggest movies. I would suggest a world war.

And the whole world should pray for the economic well-being of the USA.

The world does not need the USA )))) It is the USA that needs the world to fulfil its parasitic needs. If they are gone, the air on the planet will be cleaner ))))

I remember 2008 - when people - said that the U.S. dollar would crash and the 5 rubles - and other information - even the euro-dollar positions at the time of the collapse, they were BUYing all the time.

But this is in the past - you have to follow the market - it always goes in the direction of profit - it's impossible to guess the direction, but to walk by the handle and take 60 points a day consistently - and without any stress


I remember 2008 - when people - said that the U.S. dollar would crash and the 5 rubles - and other information - even the euro-dollar positions at the time of the collapse, they were BUYing all the time.

But this is in the past - you have to follow the market - it always goes in the direction of profit - it's impossible to guess the direction, but to walk by the handle and take 60 points a day consistently - and without any stress

Wow! That's 600 goddamn quid a day. (Cool! )))

I remember 2008 - when people - said that the U.S. dollar would crash and the 5 rubles - and other information - even the euro-dollar positions at the time of the collapse, they were BUYing all the time.

But this is in the past - you have to follow the market - it always goes in the direction of profit - it's impossible to guess the direction, but to walk by the handle and take 60 points a day consistently - and without any stress

Didn't understand anything, but it sounds beautiful....))), especially ...... walk by the handle....))))

I remember 2008 - when people - said that the U.S. dollar would crash and the 5 rubles - and other information - even the euro-dollar positions at the time of the collapse, they were BUYing all the time.

But this is in the past - you have to follow the market - it always goes in the direction of profit - it's impossible to guess the direction, but to walk by the handle and take 60 points a day consistently - and without any stress

We are slowly guessing the direction. According to Friday's results the fall in ED was predicted and it is being fulfilled, see the ED branch
The world does not need the USA )))) It is the US that needs the world to fulfil its parasitic needs. If they are gone, the air on the planet will be cleaner ))))

The US is the world's evil personified? And the rest of the world is white and fluffy? The U.S. is driven by the goal of global enslavement of peoples and parasitism on a global scale, while the rest of the world seeks only order, peace, prosperity by all means and means? )))))

Every nation in the world has only its national interest at heart. It's just that the US does it better than anyone else.

Regarding all the "gloomy" predictions about the USA - in more than 200 years of the existence of the USA, they have appeared constantly, but in all that time the USA has not gone anywhere and has managed to bury many "predictors".


Is the US the world's evil personified? And the rest of the world is white and fluffy? The USA is guided by the goal of world enslavement of peoples and parasatism on a global scale, while the rest of the world strives only for order, peace and prosperity by all means and means? )))))

Every state in the world has only its national interest at heart. It's just that the US does it better than anyone else.

Regarding all the "gloomy" predictions about the USA - in more than 200 years of its existence, they have appeared constantly, but in all that time, the USA has not gone anywhere and has managed to bury many "predictors".

The supremacy of the dollar speaks for itself, the rest is talk, every state must first come close with its currency to the dollar, and then you can say something, it is a bitter but fact.

The supremacy of the dollar speaks for itself, the rest is talk, every state must first get closer with its currency to the dollar and then something can be said, this is a bitter but fact.

When money is not made from a material of equivalent value, senorage is income in the form of the difference between the cost of making the currency (paper, electronic, or other) and its face value. For example, if the cost of making a $100 note were 10 cents, then the interest earned on the $100 note would be $99.90. Quite often this revenue is appropriated by private centres of issue(Federal Reserve (USA), the Bank of England until 1946).

So the supremacy of the dollar is the supremacy of the funnels that the various Central Banks diligently hoard in their "cellars" )))


I'll make a (free) prediction especially for the author of this thread - there will be no default by the US and Japan in the next few years.

For the newly minted Nostradamuses, free information to ponder:

Japan is threatened with a Hague tribunal

Dumping radioactive water into the ocean is an international crime

Japan has raised the danger level at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant from level 5 to 7

Japan: losses to exceed $300 billion

If the U.S. Congress refuses to raise the country's public debt ceiling, it will be comparable to Armageddon for the U.S. economy. That warning was voiced by White House Press Secretary Jay Carney at a White House press briefing today. The United States Government continues to fight over financial and economic issues with the executive and legislative branches of power. ITAR-TASS notes that at the end of last week, this scuffle nearly resulted in a temporary suspension of the US government. It was possible to avert such an outcome at the very last moment with the help of an agreement which provides for unprecedented cuts - by $38.5 billion at once - in the expenditure part of the country's federal budget for the current fiscal year. This was mentioned at the briefing, but it is a thing of the past. Now the centre of attention is shifting to the problem of the US national debt.

The debt ceiling is set at an astronomical $14.29 trillion. But US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner warned the other day that the ceiling could be "breached" as early as 16 May unless Congress agrees to raise it. According to the minister, in such a "catastrophic" case "a default by the United States would cause a crisis bigger than the one we have just gone through. I am referring to the so-called Great Recession which recently hit the USA and caused huge damage worldwide.

Now Carney, following Geithner and others, reminded that the issue is "US creditworthiness," the undermining of which would be a "disaster" for the country and its partners. He called on Congress to raise the debt ceiling in time and to adopt a "clean", i.e. non-conditional resolution. The Republican opposition in Congress, as reporters recalled, warned in advance that it would not agree to a further debt increase without a simultaneous new spending cut.

A spokesman has confirmed that on Wednesday at George Washington University, current President Barack Obama will be giving a speech on the debt issue. George Washington University on Wednesday, incumbent President Barack Obama will outline his approaches to reducing the country's budget deficit and national debt.
