[Archive! - page 663

It was all made possible solely because of Putin

The pro-presidential PR people have assembled a collection of utterly false myths and have perfected a methodology for conducting discussions online and in real life. They have only one goal - to conceptually justify, firstly, that everything good that has happened in our country over the last 12 years has been possible thanks to Putin, and secondly, that if Putin loses power for some reason, a national catastrophe will immediately erupt.

I think it is time for the myths to be debunked. It's time to roll out all the arguments for continuing the present course that the talentless propagandists could squeeze out of their thick little brains in a bid to pull the wool over the ears of the gullible electorate.
Svinotavr: I wonder who will be the next president of Russia? Will this president make it to the end, or like Boris Nikolayevich, will he prefer to leave unexpectedly (for the opposition)? What are the predictions of the technical analysts?

It all depends on what he does in his third term. If things remain as they are now, his re-election to a fourth term (not in a row)... I hate to think about it. And then it will no longer matter what his real rating in the hinterland will be.

The Bolsheviks were one of the smallest political forces in Russia in '17, and look what they did...


Vasily, you are, as always, overly categorical nonsense. I'm sorry.

P.S. The PLHIV majority in the new State Duma is ensured not by "non-alternativeness" but by dirty manipulation.

No, all of you have been talking nonsense for 663 pages of this thread. Alexey, you are a mathematician, let us calculate together the minimum amount of fraud for P to get his 60%. Suppose for P in reality no more than 10% of the population would have voted. Voter turnout was about 60% too. The country's population is about 130 million people. 130 * 0.6 * 0.5 = 39 million forged signatures. Now compare that number to the facts you are so fond of talking about. Where at which polling station was how many ballots stuffed? 100 ballots? 1000? 100,000? Not enough for such a result. Either we all witnessed a global reality-transfer, and in fact, despite an army of thousands of independent observers from the opposition and western organizations, not a single "wrong ballot" made it to the official statistics, or everything is as it is and 39 million people still chose P.

But if in reality P. was not elected, then why do the independent eksedpols speak of the same figures? Are they all bribed and hounded too? But excuse me, among these independent agencies there are very respected ones, including by your revolutionary ranks, including those that exist on Western money of non-profit organizations. After all, every alternative party has its own public opinion polling department. And by and large their results are more or less the same as each other. Are they not telling the truth as well? But if things really are as bad as you say they are, then the so-called 'opposition' would not miss the chance to cling to those numbers. Because if the independent samples were significantly different from the overall election, then the whole world would know about it and the "dissenters" would chisel the subject over and over again.


Global hoax. Russians have been brainwashed by electromagnetic waves by a secret radiating facility in Pripyat, controlled (bought out at the price of scrap metal equivalent mass) by a connected states lizard-like race from Aldebaran. Life will be better, life will be more fun - people think they are making decisions of their own free will.



You are hard to communicate with. You are like a deaf grouse, you hear nothing and no one but yourself.

It is not so much a question of who has been chosen. It's about the question: What's next?

Shall we go on with this vulgar life, when, as in a hen house, those who sit on top will shit on everyone who is below?

You speak about everything as a foreigner who does not know people's problems.

Try to tell us at least a dozen of questions that bother you so we will believe that you are a Russian.

Otherwise everything you have said sounds like from a TV screen, i.e. false.


Otherwise, everything you say sounds like it's coming from a TV screen, which is to say it's a lie.

It's not lying, it's cynicism. It is more likely that C-4 actually thinks what he says.

You talk about everything as if you were a foreigner, unaware of people's problems.

Try to tell us at least a dozen of questions that concern you, so that we would believe that you are a Russian person.

Otherwise everything you have said sounds like from a TV screen, i.e. false.

Have you invented a friend-or-foe test here? Very nice. Like you smear shit on the walls, I come here, you take a handful of shit and give it to me, "smear it too, or you'll pass for an outsider". It would be different if I was saying the same thing as all of you here for 663 pages: "Power sucks!", "Old ladies are being hit by armoured limousines!", "Corruption is as bad as it gets!", "Elections are rigged", "P. - G", etc., etc. But it is much harder than talking about the obvious problems, to unite in a clear civic position, to create a powerful political party, to identify concrete solutions to the problems that have arisen. But you won't do all that, it's much easier to stay here and smear crap on the walls and resent the unrighteousness of the world.
unite into a clear civic position, create a strong political party, and identify concrete ways of solving the problems that have arisen.
Go ahead. You can only say that if you have already done all of the above. Otherwise it is just demagoguery.
I note that people like you claim, at least verbally, to strive for an honest, democratic society, free of totalitarianism and a unipolar point of view. But as soon as I voiced my opinion, not even pro-Putin, but not pro-your opinion either, there was a howl and a howl. "He's not Russian," he says things like that. - "He doesn't know the real life in Russia! How can he say such things!?" - This is the true state of all your tolerance and "democracy". People like you will be the first to light the sacrificial fires and start a terror against anyone who dares to oppose your unbelievably Wise, Democratic, Free, Intelligent, Great Opinion on what Russia is and how it should be saved.
Have you invented here some kind of a "us-them" test? That's cute. Like you smear shit on the walls, I come here, you take a handful of shit and give it to me, "smear it too, otherwise you'll pass for a stranger". It would be different if I was saying the same thing as all of you here for 663 pages: "Power sucks!", "Old ladies are being hit by armoured limousines!", "Corruption is as bad as it gets!", "Elections are rigged", "P. - G", etc., etc. But it is much harder than talking about the obvious problems, to unite in a clear civic position, to create a powerful political party, to identify concrete solutions to the problems that have arisen. But you won't do all that, it's much easier to stay here and smear crap on the walls and resent the unrighteousness of the world.

You are not reading my posts carefully.

That is exactly what I want to talk to you about, but in Russian, not in the language of a Vremya presenter.

I (we) are ready to unite with you, but in order to do so you need to understand what you are concerned about in our Russian everyday life. What are our similarities?

So, I return to my request: please tell us about your concerns.