[Archive! - page 662

Decades of communism have taught people to act at their own risk, have taught them how to make complex and controversial decisions, and deprived them of entrepreneurial initiative. People only want order, they want help "on the top" to solve their "tragedy of the little man". If the utilities providers are bastards and do not want to change a burst water pipe, where do these people turn? Neither to a deputy in their municipality, nor to the local executive. They appeal to Him, the very man at the very top, in the Kremlin, who knows exactly what to do. It is something akin to love for one's Tsar. No matter how ugly local officials may be, but there is a man at the very top of the ladder, who understands everything, knows everything and will definitely help, if you only go as far as the Tsar. The high ratings of one single person are a consequence of this. People want a king above them who understands everything, knows everything and, if anything, will quickly crack down on local officials.

Order is a very narrow word as far as the little people are concerned.

People are not interested in order that makes them march in formation and fear the police as much as they fear bandits.

People want order, but not like this!

People want order in the provision of good medical care, quality education, places in kindergartens and schools, and not for the money of the director and headmistress.

We need fair courts, equality before the law.

We need gainful employment. Guarantees of inviolability of property. Absence of disgusting bureaucrats defiling our lives....

And there are many more things we need, not just an empty word DEPRESSION.

It requires political will. And that is exactly what the president lacks!

C-4: By what right do you condemn some and applaud others? On what basis do you claim that "you do not know the real life, you greedy Muscovite"? The mere fact that you live in the provinces does not give you the right to speak out about the aspirations of ordinary people and divide people into "our people, or those who are against the government" and "uptight freaks", or those who, sorry, do not share your opinion.

I am not judging you, rather you are ridiculous with your arguments about life in Russia, you repeat too much of what is shown on TV and written in the media. I have settled in the periphery in recent years, but I have traveled around the country to work and serve, I know how "non-greedy Muscovites" live, because I have relatives in Moscow.

Okay, thanks for the conversation, I smiled a little at will, but I beg you once again: do not pass off as reality what you see on TV and in the media - you will see for yourself, and then you will have your opinion, not an opinion foisted on you.


Вас я не осуждаю, скорее Вы смешны, со своими рассуждениями о жизни в РФ, уж больно много повторяете из того, что показывают по ТВ и пишут в СМИ.

What exactly am I repeating? What is it that I don't know about life in the real Russia? That Russia is covered in tricolour satellite dishes? That a good plot of land earns more than some office plankton in the big cities? That a simple working man from an urban-type settlement now prefers to holiday in Turkey rather than get drunk with his friends under a tractor? That it's easier to get bananas than radishes or turnips at the village grocery shop? Don't make yourself out to be the hero who's seen life. The fact that you have managed to travel in your time does not give you the right to talk about things at the pseudo-elitist level of "joined-up Russian reality".


Just a thought

The Election Commission of the Sverdlovsk region has posted the preliminary results of the Russian presidential election. A majority of the residents of the Urals gave their votes to Vladimir Putin. In none of the districts did the prime minister get less than 50 percent of the votes.

The highest results for Putin were in Verkhoturye. Here he received 79 per cent of the votes. The lowest results were in Yekaterinburg. Just over 50 percent of residents of the Urals' capital want to see Putin as President of Russia.

It is indicative of the fact that in Ekaterinburg the highest results were obtained by Mikhail Prokhorov. In the Verkh-Isetsky, Kirovsky and Leninsky districts the oligarch broke the 20 percent barrier.

The majority of those nostalgic for the Soviet Union lives in Nizhniye Sergi. Here the CPRF leader got 17.2 percent of the votes. Residents of Slobodnensky district turned out to be the least bitter, as they forgave Vladimir Zhirinovsky for his insults, giving him 8.23% of the vote. Sergey Mironov had the highest results in the Malysheva settlement, 8.09 per cent.

A total of 2 million 48 thousand residents of the Sverdlovsk region took part in the presidential election. The turnout was 58.8 percent. In the Urals, 25.5 thousand residents spoiled their ballots, and five managed to take them home.

In the Kurgan Oblast, Vladimir Putin won the support of 63.39% of the voters. Gennady Zyuganov got 17.40%, Vladimir Zhirinovsky 8.57% and Mikhail Prokhorov 5.75%. Sergei Mironov received the support of 4% of residents of Kurgan Oblast, the Interfax-Ural news agency reported.

In the Chelyabinsk region, Putin got 65.02% of the vote, Gennady Zyuganov 14.72%, Mikhail Prokhorov 8.03%, Vladimir Zhirinovsky 5.66%, and Sergei Mironov 5.10%.

In the Tyumen region, 75.71% of voters voted for Putin.

Gennady Zyuganov was supported by 10.03% of Tyumen residents, Vladimir Zhirinovsky by 6.76%, Mikhail Prokhorov by 4.5%, and Sergei Mironov by 2.25%.

In Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District Putin received 84.58% of the vote, Gennady Zyuganov 5.59%, Vladimir Zhirinovsky 5.21%, Mikhail Prokhorov 2.33% and Sergei Mironov 1.49%.

TheElectoral Commission of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District has not yet provided any preliminary results for the election.


Do you want 17? Revolution is the end for our country. We know, we've been there. Scum like the current government of Georgia will come to power. And to wish for it to be like in Georgia is to hate Russia. Go ahead, release terrorists from prisons and declare them freedom fighters, turn black into white, rewrite history books, and annul the legitimacy of elections. People like you are terrorists - people who will stop at nothing and will go to the barricades, kill and blow themselves up for the "higher cause". History is repeating itself. It was not workers and peasants who made the revolution of 17, but such students, intellectuals and "sympathizers". It was they who blew up people and committed the most heinous crimes in terms of ordinary human morality. I know history, and personally I will do everything in my power to prevent another 17th year. If I have to take a gun in my hand and shoot the orange scum - I will take it and shoot without regret, because if I don't, it will be much worse.

Why is the change of power necessary in 17? That in Germany, the USA, England, the same Norway, coming to power of the opposition party leads to revolutions and barricades? Who suggests releasing terrorists? Who calls for blowing up and killing? What is this nonsense? Why are you twisting things around? And in order to "annul" the legitimacy of elections, they must first be legitimate.

The propaganda machine has drummed it into people's heads that this is stable now, vote, or else it will be worse. Nobody can explain why it will be worse. And why should it be worse? And we are stable, it is not good.

Our government is too profitable, well-fed and unpunished. Who will give up such a sacred place? You can make up idiotic laws, why not? They cannot live by them. You can steal, your own people will be punished, you've got a snout in your face. You can use a blinker and kill a pensioner on the wrong side of the road with an armored Mercedes for six thousand Gb. You can run over a granny at a pedestrian crossing and get a cozy chair in a state bank. We have a country of consistently great opportunities.)

That is why the government will twist and wriggle to the bitter end, but will not allow fair elections in the country. They will create opposition parties themselves and rule them (nonsense) in order to dilute and divide dissenters. They will press their brains with all the power of their pocket mass-media, they will talk about stability and ensure the result of any election to the whole controlled vertical. Who is not with us is the state department's fodder.... Otherwise, God forbid, "free-thinkers" should come to power, not very dirty, and God forbid they should ask where did they build so many palaces on what labour income? That would put them in jail... And the happy life of elected officials will be over. Nope, that will not do.

It's better to be stable. The economy is fucked, all the business in the country is based on natural resources and trade, one way or another. We cannot produce anything, and it is not profitable. Smart people are fleeing the country and you cannot lure them to Skolkovo without a tidbit. We are still listed in BRIC by mere misunderstanding. Pensioners have enough to not starve to death, and thanks to that. Not even one college is in the top 100, and there is no need. You have stolen enough to send your offspring to study in England or the states. We cannot learn how to build fucking roads, it is more profitable to patch them all over again every year. We are stable, in a word).

Yes, we mustn't have it like in Georgia, because traffic cops in Georgia do not take bribes, there is no income from oil, while the income from tangerines cannot feed a gang of bribe-takers and budgetary spenders.


in the 90's there was a redistribution (seizure of property) throughout the USSR, everyone got vouchers, then the most badass criminals became owners of the country's natural resources (oligarchs), and the less badass became owners of factories, businesses, shops, etc. (by murder, blackmail... criminal redistribution).

Therefore, honest and moral people could not appear among them (owners of natural resources, factories, businesses, shops, etc.).
The present authorities (regional authorities too) are connected to those representatives of the so-called business (they are in it themselves) and consequently there can be no normal life for normal people under those authorities.

Oligarchs rule Russia. (Parts 1-3 of 3) / 2000 / SATRip http://kinozal.tv/details.php?id=201442

I personally think that after the end of USSR, power = world government (billionaires of different countries and their families) - Presidents of different countries (almost all) and their governments - officials (+ secret service) - police

Russian Federation is a resource colony governed by oligarchic groups, criminal, bureaucratic, power structures + judges and who come (and came) to power through criminal redistribution of property + cronyism, (started after the end of USSR - in 90s).
Between them, the process periodically happens again, plus new people come and old ones go (they put people in jail, kill them, dismiss them...).
+ foreign investors, billionaires, businessmen, multinational corporations.

Poll: Do you think Russia is a resource colony?


For example:

10 June 2011. Crime returns to AvtoVAZ: billion-dollar stolen cars and parts, employees attacked by bandits


Banditry was concentrated around the activities of the largest domestic automaker in the 1990s and continued in the early 2000s. This period, during which more than 500 people were killed, has gone down in history as the "Togliatti Crime War". Beginning in 2005, when Rosoboronexport became one of the company's shareholders, reports of criminal actions began to appear less frequently, with rare reports of attacks on dealers and thefts.




Why does a change of power have to happen in the 17th year? That in Germany, the USA, England and Norway, the coming to power of an opposition party leads to revolutions and barricades?

In Germany, the USA, England and the same Norway the change of power takes place in elections, when 90% of citizens come to the polls and choose their party. Where are the alternative parties in Russia? Why don't the supporters of "for fair elections" organise their own party and instead shake the air on the Bolotnaya? United Russia is ruled in our country not because of massive fraud and falsifications, but because there is no such alternative party. The existing "opposition" does not even count, it does not know what it wants, or its ideas are not enough to organize any political movement.

Who proposes to release the terrorists? Who calls for blowing up and killing? What is this nonsense? Why twist things around.

Read carefully the autobiographies of people on the so-called "list of political prisoners. About Timur Ishmuratov or Ravil Gumarov. Just for the "ex-prisoner of Guantanamo" description such people should be tracked and monitored for life. Today they are called freedom fighters, who must be released immediately. Take a close look at their photos. I don't think you'd want to meet them at a dinner party and talk about rights and freedoms in Russia. You and others like you have forgotten how to think, just compare basic facts with each other. You are waving a red rag paid for by the CIA and you are falling for it. The same contagion continues in the Arab countries. What have they achieved since the overthrow of their rulers? It got even worse. And now we are going the same way.

C-4: United Russia rules in our country not because there is massive fraud and falsification, but because that very alternative party simply does not exist.

Vasily, you are talking too much categorical nonsense. Sorry.

P.S. The majority of PZhiv in the new State Duma is ensured not by "no alternative" but by dirty fraud.


I was listening to Weller the other day, and he made a point that I myself had been struggling to formulate. In short, Bulgakov. General Charnota: "To shoot you, become a communist, and then - again!" (free paraphrase).

That's it. I handed in my party card (not kept it, like some people do, but handed it in to the secretary) in 1993. And now, after all those years, I voted for SJ (I don't like that person), because I thought that it would help change the formation that has become totalitarian. It did not help.

There's joy on TV and I'm drinking again. DEMOCRATY is dead. Give us bureaucrats, cops (policemen), non-independent judges, prime ministers who haven't played tetris, etc. There are some here talking about personal contributions to make a difference. Sounds like rambling to me. If you are so smart - tell me what to do? I'll put it on me and try it out. Seriously.

P.S. We wanted and thought it would be better, but it turned out the same as always!


I wonder who will be the next president of Russia? Will this president make it to the end, or like Boris Nikolayevich, prefer to leave unexpectedly (for the opposition)? What are the predictions of the technical analysts?