[Archive! - page 660


Do you believe in the objectivity of these exit polls?

We had one independent one in Belarus... But Lukashenko didn't get 80% or even 50% of the vote there - it seems that the exit poll was kicked out of the country a few days before the end of the elections.

My pondering is as follows: perhaps the exit-poll is objective, then it can be used as a qualitative indicator of the real future. The second option is that everything is orchestrated from above; then the poll reflects the picture to which they pull the results from above and use the poll to zombify the population. In both cases the outcome of the election is predictable.

But honestly, 64% for Pu is pi, real pi. Time to think about revolution.

alexeymosc: But honestly, 64% of Pu's is pi, real pi. It's time to think about revolution.

Nah, revolution is pi even worse. Better not to think about it at all.

P.S. Well maybe an orange revolution - or at least a Georgian one, to defeat corruption from above by force of authoritarianism...


The worst thing about dictatorships is that they are actually elected by the majority.



But honestly, 64% of Poo's is pi, real pi. Time to think about revolution.

Do you want '17? Revolution for our country is the end. We know, we've been there. Scum like the current government of Georgia will come to power. And to wish for "what to do in Georgia" is to hate Russia. Release terrorists from prisons and call them freedom fighters, turn black into white, rewrite history books, annul legitimate elections. People like you are terrorists - people who will stop at nothing and will go to the barricades, kill and blow up for the "high goal". History repeats itself. It was not workers and peasants who made the revolution of 17, but such students, intellectuals and "sympathizers". It was they who blew up people and committed the most heinous crimes in terms of ordinary human morality. I know history, and personally I will do everything in my power to prevent another 17th year. If I have to take a gun in my hand and shoot the orange scum - I will take it and shoot without regret, because if I don't, it will be much worse.


Do you want 17? Revolution is the end for our country. We know, we've been there. Scum like the current government of Georgia will come to power. And to wish for it to be like in Georgia is to hate Russia. Release terrorists from prisons and call them freedom fighters, turn black into white, rewrite history books, annul legitimate elections. People like you are terrorists - people who will stop at nothing and will go to the barricades, kill and blow up for the "high goal". History repeats itself. It was not workers and peasants who made the revolution of 17, but such students, intellectuals and "sympathizers". It was they who blew up people and committed the most heinous crimes in terms of ordinary human morality. I know history, and personally I will do everything in my power to prevent another 17th year. If I have to pick up a gun and shoot the orange scum - I will pick it up and shoot without regret, because if I don't, it will be much worse.

You are not taking up any guns, you are not going anywhere and you are not shooting at anybody. And you know it yourself - you'll be sitting at home, drinking tea and banging on the keys. And you don't know the story. Enough with the loud and totally meaningless words.

If you want to get your message across, just write that you are pro-Putin, but what's all the fuss about?



You're not taking any guns, you're not going anywhere and you're not shooting anyone. And you know that very well - you'll be sitting at home, drinking tea and banging away at the keys. And you don't know the story. Enough with the loud and totally meaningless words.

Dami, know your place:


Dani, get out of your seat:

I'll tell Dani that he "rnal" his place.

You'd better go and finish your thread - you've got a broad sweep, but you've written nothing but the plain truth and you've given it up.