[Archive! - page 621


Friends, what about politics, eh? Aren't you tired of this puppet theatre? Or is it any topic of discussion for you in your grey routine?
I came across this masterpiece in the morning and once again realized WHAT is most important in the world.

So, ABOND is unavailable:


Friends, why don't we just forget this politics, huh? Aren't you tired of this puppet theatre? Or is it any topic of discussion for you in your drab routine?

"You can't live in society and be free from society" (I don't remember who said this)

"You can't live in society and be free from society" (I don't remember who said this).
Actually it was Lenin in his article "Party organisation and party literature", but I don't believe him anymore.

Friends, why don't we just forget this politics, huh? Aren't you tired of this puppet theatre? Or is it any topic of discussion for you in your grey routine?

You know, I'd love to "get lost" in it, but the circumstances induce me to get into it. Salary doctor in Kazakhstan (in Almaty) approximately (I average from district to surgeon in the 7th city hospital) on your 12-15.000 rubles, in Russia (all that is outside the Moscow Ring Road), for example, in Stavropol Krai - the same. Had a fool to go to Russia (well, like historical homeland in the face of Putin let her save the same) immediately after the institute (at least our prices before the Customs Union were lower at all), now I have to go to any forex to not stretch legs at 14.000 (well citizenship has not changed, that's where God has saved). And I would love not to get into this mess, but it's obvious: if Putin stays, I will go home and will not apply for citizenship here (do I need it?), so at least in their Asia the rent is lower and it's cheaper to eat with the same salary. People with plenty of money can afford not to get involved in politics, yet I am a young professional severely screwed over by the historical homeland with repatriation programs and other bullshit. One good thing is that all the dairy products in Stavropol Territory are very tasty ))) but thanks for that are not at all thanks to Putin-Medvedev-Gryzlov, of course.

What happened to Mishik? - Did he go to a monastery?
I only know that it's not the first time he's gone away for a few months.

There are no circumstances that can make a person interested in politics. Circumstances can make one interested in survival, well-being, health, but not in politics. You will find out who wins the elections. You won't know before it happens anyway.

Anyone, from a village wino to a middle-class businessman, can afford not to get involved in big politics.


There are no circumstances that can make a person interested in politics. Circumstances can make one interested in survival, well-being, health, but not in politics. You will find out who wins the elections. You won't know before it happens anyway.

Anyone, from a village wino to a middle-class businessman, can afford not to get involved in big politics.

Life is multifaceted; political activism is one facet.


You don't have to take an interest, you don't have to do politics. You have to mind your own business. Everyone should mind his own business. At the same time, live honestly and in accordance with the law. I can hardly imagine how our people can feed this army of politicians and politicians of all stripes, they have never hammered a nail in their life, they have never earned a ruble with their hands. They are bogged down in their backroom and corridor battles. Politics is already considered a profession. Ugh on them) Hamsters with morbid egos.
If you don't do politics, politics will do you. Stalin's time is an example of this, ruled by an obedient herd of people who did not want to engage in politics, like you, while "politics" knocked on one house or the other at night. Millions of innocent people were the victims of this policy, even though they lived, as you call for, honestly and according to the law.

Here's my suggestion. Maybe we should set up a union of traders, set up a fund, with a share of ownership depending on the percentage of contributions to the fund. We should build a bulk island somewhere on the equator (taking into account the surrounding continents and islands, so that tsunamis do not wash them away). Register it as a state - like an Independent Republic of Speculators. Elect a president, join the WTO. Buy a satellite to access the Internet (without having to use fibre optics from the mainland). Make our own stock exchange with casinos and whores.

And fuck them all - Pu, Zu, Zhi, Yaw. And Ab can go to hell, too.



My father on such occasions

Isn't your father a Svinozavr?