[Archive! - page 623


Pu** is not a politician, not a businessman, not an effective manager, he is a military man, and he is building a military style vertical and ruling in a military style. As a result, we do not live by the law, but by the concepts, manoeuvring between laws that no one understands as best we can. We pay traffic cops, bureaucrats, judges - the highest bidder is not a pederast. Look at your TV set and then look around you. Involuntarily you recall Pelevin.

Prokhorov could have moved abroad with his dough long ago. Yet he builds Yo-mobiles, what for? Yes, he is a supporter of Russia.

... to continue the theme: ... They (their former KGB and others) have a saying like: "If there is a "client", we will find an article..." and so on: "If they didn't do it (everything is done strictly by command from above), it means that they didn't do a good job (to change the organization is at best, but as a rule, they would have to write an article about you, and we ourselves will do it!!.." The entire vertical power structure and the golden principle - One Authority is based on it. Draw conclusions. The team will come, and Prokhorov will be chosen. Then he will certainly not be arrested in time, he will be shut down. That is all. This is to the question: "But he builds Yo-mobiles, what for? He is for Russia" - from an opera, what ever the child needs, but he does not cry, read - he stays away from power (or he does it strictly by commands - not a step to the left, to the right and straight - you can't do it). They are given so far, that is why he is building.


Do you clean your own place?

What's the point if it gets dirty again?

I clean the house, wash the dishes and make the bed in the morning. That's what I do FIRST for myself, even if it's not for a long time. And by speaking out in favor (or against, which is the same for politicians) of one or another candidate, a person participating in the discussion does it FIRST FOR HIM, without even realizing it - and for free.

That means that we should not advertise on the forum (Valenok was scolded here the other day, the resource is well promoted and one should pay for advertising, you see), while we can discuss politicians for whom any mention (except the obituary) is an extra plus in the rating.

Double standard...


Somehow things are interesting with Prokhorov.

Take Khodorkovsky, for example: if he gave his vote, he went to jail. Chichvarkin almost went to jail too.

And Prokhorov, apparently, is not easy. After all, even the signatures for him are probably no better than those for Yavlinsky.

Why not try him on the throne?

I think it was better, as he was a better organiser and manager than Yavlinsky and had enough funds to attract the right number of collectors.

That's not where you see the root of all evil.)

The world is not ruled by Jews! Although there are probably Jews among the world's rulers. The Jews are just a good lightning rod.

Think about which country in the midst of devastation and wars has never suffered from those wars. What country has the most complicated procedure for obtaining a residence permit?

I think the answer is obvious. The world government is in that country. And there may be Jews there, but the Jewish question has nothing to do with it.


... Which country has the most complicated procedure for obtaining a residence permit?


I always thought it was in Australia.
I always thought it was in Australia.

There or not there, there's still someone running the process.

The world is not ruled by Jews! Although there are probably Jews among the world's rulers. The Jews are just a good lightning rod.

Think about which country in the midst of devastation and wars has never suffered from those wars. What country has the most complicated procedure for obtaining a residence permit?

I think the answer is obvious. The world government is in that country. And there may be Jews there, but the Jewish question has nothing to do with it.

Well, it's all America and Israel's fault, of course...

In a country where a policeman receives more than a doctor and a warrant officer more than a doctor and a teacher combined, where the three sub-federal republics have more than 8 trillion rubles planned for the year 20 (with a little more for defense until then) - just so the buys of Chechnya-Ingushetia and Dagestan are divided, periodically helping to arrange mourning for the entire country ... I don't know. If only Russia (or better Kazakhstan) would occupy it, as you say, I would be the first to greet this government with flowers and everything. As it is, all this popular rubbish on the developed countries while we ourselves are sitting in a pigsty is a bit hysterical. They won over Japanese Americans and lived happily ever after (Hiroshima does not count =) ). Let them defeat the CIS sooner, no matter how collaborative it may sound.


It's all America's fault, of course...

As it is, all this popular mudslinging of developed countries while we ourselves are sitting in a pigsty reeks of some kind of hysteria.

It is not as if I was badmouthing anyone, I was simply stating a fact. It has nothing to do with the Americans either. The world government is solving its globalist issues, I think they have a lot of problems.

And Russia is practically occupied. Get your eyes open.


The world is not ruled by Jews! Although there are probably Jews among the world's rulers. The Jews are just a good lightning rod.

Think about which country in the midst of devastation and wars has never suffered from those wars. What country has the most complicated procedure for obtaining a residence permit?

I think the answer is obvious. The world government is in that country. And there may be Jews there, but the Jewish question has nothing to do with it.

No, dear)) the country you are talking about is not a country but a rabble from different parts of the world, it was founded and bored by people with peyces, they should have their own bastion which is impregnable. in fact, i pity americans even more than the starving people in africa. they have no freedom to do anything, and what they do with their minds through the media and the substitution of ideals and destruction of core values (sacred level) with a false history. i do not know which of two evils is worse, hunger or an eternal prison for the mind.

No, there's more sympathy for starving people in Africa.

a brilliantly insightful excerpt))))))


It's not like I've been badmouthing anyone, I'm just stating a fact. It has nothing to do with the Americans either. The world government is dealing with its own globalist issues, I think they have a lot of problems.

And Russia is practically occupied. You should have your eyes open.

Russia has been occupied by PUTIN and Kazakhstan by NAZARBAYEV. If they are gone, there will be no issues to argue about. A country that produces so much oil, gas, timber for so long has not modernized its economy, has not carried out any meaningful reforms, has not invented anything (except a pipeline for sending scientists abroad), where old people are forced to go to rallies in support of United Russia for a plate of perlovka... I do not know why you have to go so deep: a world government, a secret behind the scenes, a global conspiracy, all these conspiracy theories are just too much. There is a subject who drove the country and there is a mythical object in the form of American-Israeli bankers, the first one can (but absolutely unnecessary) seen daily on all channels, the second never seen (and something thinks that they were invented by just the same subject to divert attention from themselves and throw it to the non-existent external enemy).