[Archive! - page 572


It's not a porn forum, it's just a technical forum smoker.

There's such detail in their heads!...
And so, bummer, they didn't give...


I've cleaned up a bit of the rubbish around here. Don't mind me, guys, if there's anything I've taken down.

Anyway, it's now forbidden to exhybee poor innocent girls in the henhouse, even if they want to do it themselves.

This isn't a porn forum, just a technical forum smoker.

Alexei, what makes you think it is:

a) poor;

b) naive;

c) girl.


Mishek didn't shut up for no reason, probably frightened by what he saw!

Juliet's mother was 28 years old at the time of the events described in the play.
Marya Gavrilovna from Pushkin's The Snowstorm was no longer young: "She was in her 20s".
"Balzac's age" is 30.
Ivan Susanin was 32 years old at the time of his heroic deed (he had a 16-year-old daughter in marriage).
The old money-lender from Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" was 42.
Anna Karenina was 28 years old at the time of her death, Vronsky 23, and the old man, Anna Karenina's husband, 23.
husband of Anna Karenina - 48 years old (at the beginning of the events described in the novel to all 2 years less).
Old Cardinal Richelieu at the time of the siege of La Rochelle fortress described in "The Three Musketeers" was 42.
From the notes of the 16-year-old Pushkin: "An old man in his 30s entered the room" (that was Karamzin).
From Tynyanov: "Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was older than everyone gathered. He was thirty-four years old - the age of extinction.
Juliet's mother at the time of the events described in the play was twenty-eight years old.
Marya Gavrilovna from Pushkin's "Blizzard" was already not young: "She was in her 20s.
"Balzac's age" is 30.
Ivan Susanin was 32 years old at the time of his heroic deed (he had a 16-year-old daughter in marriage).
The old money-lender from Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" was 42.
Anna Karenina was 28 years old at the time of her death, Vronsky 23, and the old man, Anna Karenina's husband, 23.
husband of Anna Karenina - 48 years old (at the beginning of the events described in the novel to all 2 years less).
Old Cardinal Richelieu at the time of the siege of La Rochelle fortress described in "The Three Musketeers" was 42.
From the notes of the 16-year-old Pushkin: "An old man in his 30s entered the room" (that was Karamzin).
From Tynyanov: "Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was older than everyone gathered. He was thirty-four years old - the age of extinction.

is from The Idiot:

General Yepanchin was still, as they say, in his prime, that is, fifty-six years old and no more, which in any case is the blooming age, the age at which true life truly begins. ...

Never mind ... take it a metre lower. That is, the world has become so diverse and multifaceted that anything can be found in it, if you know what you want.
Too late, there are already pensioners pecking))) kicked out even)) they probably need more
"kill the stubborn creature" (C)
"kill the stubborn creature" (C)

Alexei, don't blame me later for inciting conflict....... to guard against such statements left by "stupid freaks" (c).... who don't distinguish between humour in the smoking room and deliberate insults.....

Alexei, don't accuse me of inciting conflict later....... to protect statements like these left by dumb freaks.... who can't tell the difference between humour in the smoking room and deliberate insults.....

let's be consistent:

Alexei, don't accuse me of inciting conflict.

You have a distinctive streak of stirring things up and trolling. You've got it in you. It doesn't matter to me on the whole, but it spoils the impression a bit.

not distinguishing humor in the smoking room.

I'm sorry, where did I write, wasn't it in the john?

from a deliberate insult.....

it wasn't an insult, it was a quote in inverted commas and marked with a C. Or rather, a quote that has long since become a winged phrase and is not at all offensive if you remember the source. A normal person cannot be offended if he has read The Master and Margarita, well he cannot, even with such a morbid ego as you have, my dear.

in order to protect such remarks left by stupid freaks.

I don't know such words, "freak". :о) Well, if your ego is satisfied, why don't we make it 1:1 and go on? Or did you forget to add something to the word "stupid"? :о)


Let's be consistent:

You have a distinctive streak of stirring things up and trolling. You've got it in you. It doesn't matter to me on the whole, but it spoils the impression a bit.

I'm sorry, where did I write that, wasn't it in the henhouse?

It was not an insult, but a quote in inverted commas and marked with a C. Or rather, the quote, which has long become a catch phrase and is not at all offensive if you remember the source. A normal person cannot be offended if he has read The Master and Margarita, well he cannot, even with such a sick ego as you have, my dear

I don't know such words, "freak". :о) All right, if your ego is satisfied, let's make it 1:1 and go on, shall we? Or did you forget to add something to the word "stupid"? :о)

First of all, I was not writing to you.

They should be regarded as an example of a person who has been an expert in the field of bioethics for some time and is capable of expressing his ideas and opinions about the topic of bioethics.

PS - I think further discussion is senseless ...... I hope you have enough courage not to continue it ..... (although you will probably say more after this message )))) but alas, without me. Good luck.


First of all, I wasn't writing to you.

I see, so you called Alexei a "dumb freak"? You shouldn't have. .... He is "not an evil man in general, but he is strict with pests".

Our literature is rich in various statements, and of such phrases with a note at the end (c) (I understand what it means), I can put together a text that you do not want to live))) (exaggerating), and then say that they say that why - this is literature, why pay attention to it.

Don't flatter yourself, you can't. But if the quote hurt you so much, I beg your pardon. Then do not even think about making jokes about others without the necessary sense of humor to understand the answer.

PS - I find further discussion pointless .......

I completely agree with you there! There is no point in pointlessness!