[Archive! - page 354

Yabloko is a political corpse at this stage, Yavlinsky has been asked to come out of the shadows and campaign against the CPRF.

It is more accurate to say that the entire right wing is a political corpse at this stage, whether it is Yabloko or Right Cause or whatever. That's what's sad about it. A whole strand of ideas vital to the development of society is missing in the minds of the people.
This election is not for, but against. imho, it is foolish to try to get an outsider into the Duma. You have expressed your position, but you have not helped at all, you have only hindered your candidate.

If my vote alone gave at least a 2-3% edge, I would strongly consider whether it was worth wasting it on a clear outsider. But the reality is different, so, imho, it's silly to speculate that votes in favour of a candidate are actually only hindering them.

Medvedev has finally spoken. In short - blablablacoalition.

Well that's a victory ! That's the maximum that could have been achieved by now.

The reason for the failure of the right-wing is that they tried to play on what other parties do: statements like "we did it", flirting with the public, etc. The only way out for them was to give people a right-wing ideology and explain why it was a good thing. That is, they would have been elected, not because of a charismatic leader (like the LDPR or UDRO) or populist promises like the SRs, but precisely for ideas. And to compete in something in which LDPR, UDRO and Socialist-Revolutionaries are champions is an obvious failure.

Well that's a win ! That's the maximum that could have been achieved by now.

No, the maximum would be if the right-wing forces were included in our Duma, at least in a minimal composition.

No, the maximum would be if right-wing forces were included in our Duma, at least to a minimum.

Set realistic goals ))

If my vote alone would have given at least a 2-3% edge, I would have strongly questioned whether it was worth wasting it on the clear outsider. But the reality is different, so, imho, it's silly to speculate that actually voting in favour of a candidate only hinders it.

You are right and I am wrong, as your vote is not worth 2-3% and neither is mine :)

Also, I saw today numbered ballot papers whose numbers corresponded to the sequence number of voters on the list ...

And I saw a ballot with lots of Apples and other fruits on it.

But I voted not for, but against: the CPRF got the bird from me. Because their rating is the highest among all the others (except the Highest) .

Hey people, where do the communists stand? )
Hey people, where do the communists stand? )

They're in second place with the Right Wing.