[Archive! - page 350

It has nothing to do with the internet, it's just that the stock has a website.
It does, it does. The age of the internet, they shouldn't be allowed close to the ballot boxes. Over-informed :))
The thread with the voting ballot has been taken down. It's even worse than I thought...
The thread with the voting ballot has been taken down. It's even worse than I thought.
It's fine. The administration doesn't want to be accused of breaking the law. Article, though.
The thread with the voting ballot has been taken down. It's even worse than I thought...


"Massive stuffing, carousels, irregularities and falsifications are recorded. Observers who notice violations are removed or even arrested. In Stavropol, the Internet and telephones have been cut off to VOICES staff. Our guys from Anti-Karusel have had their phones and website blocked. Photojournalists from MN, AP, BBC, RIA Novosti and Associated Press have been detained. Left Front movement leader Sergei Udaltsov has been kidnapped and taken away in a car without number plates, other activists are having their flat doors kicked in right now without showing any documentation other than an inarticulate ruling in words . The websites of Ekho Moskvy, The New Times, Slon.ru, Live Journal, GOLOS and Map of Violations are all disabled by continuous DDos attacks. Red Square and Manezhnaya Square are completely blocked by a huge number of police and internal troops - no one is allowed within a kilometre of Putin shitting in fear.PZhiv holds on to power with all its teeth and claws - it doesn't care about the will of Russian citizens."


"Massive stuffing, carousels, irregularities and falsifications are recorded. Observers who notice violations are removed or even arrested. In Stavropol, the Internet and telephones have been cut off to VOICES staff. Our guys from Anti-Karusel have had their phones and website blocked. Photojournalists from MN, AP, BBC, RIA Novosti and Associated Press have been detained. Left Front movement leader Sergei Udaltsov has been kidnapped and taken away in a car without number plates, other activists are having their flat doors kicked in right now without showing any documentation other than an inarticulate ruling in words . The websites of Ekho Moskvy, The New Times, Slon.ru, LiveJournal, GOLOS and Map of Violations are being shut down by continuous DDos attacks. Red Square and Manezhnaya Square are completely blocked by a huge number of police and internal troops - no one is allowed within a mile of Putin, who is scared shitless.PZhiv holds on to power with all its teeth and claws - it does not care about the will of Russian citizens."

It is not surprising, by the way... And here we must not forget WHERE WE LIVE!!! Everyone who really wanted to vote, and had the opportunity, got the fuck out of here a long time ago...

Remember how Yeltsin handed Russia over to Putin... Was it really so that the Comunyaks would come to power again now? IMHO, no...

So these actions of the ruling party are not surprising, it's a good trough!


Yes, by the way, today in the golos.org slicer I was looking at how to vote and what this or that choice of voting action with the ballot paper leads to, what happens to the distribution of votes for the parties chosen on it...

P.S. For nothing, both the military and the cops before the elections were added to their monthly salaries, and well, in the end it will be higher than the average salary in the country + "agitation" in the field, so they are all for the party in power - that's for sure - and that's at least about 3 million people, not including pensioners.


