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Understand, the fish rots from the head.
... and a house is built on a foundation, so what?
An incident in Germany. A Russian noticed that bricks were lying unguarded outside a house under construction. He drove up in his car and loaded the bricks into the boot. The German noticed it from the window of a neighbouring house and called the police. The Russian reacted in time to the approaching police car and unloaded the bricks back into the trunk. The policeman asked: "What are you doing here? The Russian explained: "I finished building my house, and there were some bricks left over, I didn't want to throw them away. But I saw that somebody was building a house, so I thought they would come in handy. Policeman: No way! The policeman said: "No way! Take your bricks back and go away. The Russian loaded the boot, thanked the policeman and left).

A normal policeman would write down the number of the car in his report, and when the construction site reports a missing brick, the number of the car would come up.
An incident in Germany. A Russian noticed that bricks were lying unguarded outside a house under construction. He drove up in his car and loaded the bricks into the boot. The German noticed it from the window of a neighbouring house and called the police. The Russian reacted in time to the approaching police car and unloaded the bricks back into the trunk. The policeman asked: "What are you doing here? The Russian explained: "I finished building my house, and there were bricks left over, I didn't want to throw them away. But I saw that somebody was building a house, so I thought they would come in handy. Policeman: No way! The policeman said: "No way! Take your bricks back and go away. The Russian loaded the boot, thanked the policeman and left).
There you go. The Russian is a cunning, thieving, dodgy, extremely resilient creature.
Exactly. The Russian is a cunning, thieving, dodgy, extremely resilient creature.

Arrogant and hasty, and not even remotely objective. you haven't seen the Tatars yet)))) or the khokhlov and the jews)))) Russians as a nation are a long way from them.

do not talk about the bureaucratic stratum, about the moral decline of ordinary people. you will say that - are not the bureaucrats Russians? but not really, most of the people in power and in positions of power, strange as it may seem (few people pay attention to it) are /.../ surnames..... theft from greed. theft from ordinary people is out of desperation, not from excess. you feel the difference in motivation.


A normal police officer in such a case should record the car number in the report, and when the construction site is reported as missing a brick, that's where it (the car number) will come up.
It's funny, when they analyse the anecdote using the iron logic of a programmer). Yes and the number could have been fake, then would you say the policeman should have checked it against the database?
There you go. The Russian is a cunning, thieving, dodgy, extremely resilient creature.
A dangerous subject for a multiethnic state.

arrogant and hasty judgement, and not even remotely objective. you have not seen the tatars yet)))) or the khokhlovs and the jews)))) the russians as a nation are a long way from them.

you should not talk about the bureaucratic stratum, about the moral decline of ordinary people. you will say that - aren't the bureaucrats Russians? but not really, most in power and in positions, oddly enough (not many people pay attention to this) are /.../ surnames..... theft from greed. stealing from ordinary people is from hopelessness, not from excess. you feel the difference in motivations.

By and large, stealing cannot be justified in any way.
It's funny when an anecdote is analysed using the iron logic of a programmer). Yes and the number could have been a fake one, then you say the policeman should have checked it against the database?

Uh-huh, you have to steal a brick in a stolen car!

I didn't think it was an anecdote.

There's no excuse for stealing, by and large.

I am amazed at the ease with which people can just say that this is good and that is not.

Tell me, you have a condition - kill a person to save 10 people. if you don't kill one person, someone will kill 10 others. you have only two choices - to refuse or not.

Which do you think is the right thing to do, and relative to whom it's right.

I mean, it's all relative. Sometimes murder is a sin, and sometimes it's an act of salvation. Don't you think they're contradictory?

Stealing is no different. For some it's a real act of salvation, for others it's just another zero in the account.


It would be interesting to know when did Russians (peoples living on the territory of present-day Russia) start stealing? That is, when did it become a national problem ("They steal...")? When did it become a trait of their character? When did it start to be handed down from generation to generation? What is the cause and what are the conditions of this phenomenon?

Does anyone have information or any ideas and thoughts on the subject?

Googled: I did not find anything sensible on the subject. Maybe badly searched. Or maybe the issue has not been studied. In someone's comments slipped that it supposedly began because of the Baptism of Rus. I do not remember the details. It raises doubts. Perhaps it could have been a condition, but hardly a cause.