[Archive! - page 666

An electorate that hates the West is not of interest to Prokhorov. It is more likely to be Zyuganovian.
Perhaps, but in politics it is not so important which electorate he will be interested in, the main thing here is to win elections and get votes, I could confidently say that if Prokhorov said the standard things, he would still get more votes than Zyuganov. He has many mistakes, starting with the party and bringing a criminal into it in the summer, in general a lot of blunders, the strategy of the election race was not set correctly when he was planning to participate, then he should have thought about what to say and what to do...
News from the periphery :))

My polling station from one street, contrary to the custom of voting for Zyuganov, suddenly gave out 63% for Putin. The people were perplexed, and not without reason.
The composition of the electoral commission after the failure of the Yedrussians in the Duma elections was completely replaced, not a single familiar face. Voted normally, hung out, did not see any violations, no buses, no merry-go-rounds, boredom even somehow...
It only became clear today. My daughter told me how she spent half the night looking for her friend who was an observer. The girl had been trained and had naively written a complaint about a discrepancy in the voter lists. Two cops at the command of the PEC chairperson took her to a room, took away her phone and locked her up. They let her out when the protocol with the correct numbers was already in the TEC.
This, as they say, is not a plain here, there is a different climate, no need for any super technologies. And the border with Belarus is the longest in our region.
News from the periphery :))

My polling station from one street, contrary to the custom of voting for Zyuganov, suddenly gave out 63% for Putin. The people were perplexed, and not without reason.
The composition of the electoral commission after the failure of the Yedrussians in the Duma elections was completely replaced, not a single familiar face. Voted normally, hung out, did not see any violations, no buses, no merry-go-rounds, boredom even somehow...
It only became clear today. My daughter told me how she spent half the night looking for her friend who was an observer. The girl had been trained and had naively written a complaint about a discrepancy in the voter lists. Two cops at the command of the PEC chairperson took her to a room, took away her phone and locked her up. They let her out when the protocol with the correct numbers was already in the TEC.
This, as they say, is not a plain, it is a different climate, no super-technology is needed here.

There may be an option to view any site recordings from the server - how much of this is true I haven't checked.

But it looks like an invented fairy tale, you can show the highlighted to a specialist in psychology, he will explain everything to you at once.

Martingeil: He has a lot of mistakes starting with the party and bringing a criminal into it in the summer in general a lot of blunders, the strategy of the election race was not set correctly when he wanted to participate, then he should have already thought about what to say and what to do...
OK, so be it. Did Zhirik and Mironov make no mistakes? Prokhorov beat them already at the start, in three months, and will go on.
OK, so be it. Did Zhirik and Mironov make no mistakes? Prokhorov beat them already at the start, in three months, and will go on.
I am sure that in the future he will improve his position and gain experience, but this time he missed, but he left the phrase that he is a fast learner, maybe in six years he will look more attractive to the electorate. We'll keep an eye out, but overall he's a very interesting candidate with fresh ideas ;)

And so at all levels. I have a teacher who I know, and before the elections the headmistress called three times and told them who should be elected, how to educate relatives of friends and acquaintances who think differently, and how bad it could be if the wrong person was elected. I'm sure the headmistress at the RONO level had the same conversations...

Well, even if they have been agitated, they still vote incognito, they just throw a ballot paper into the ballot box without the voter's name, they are all the same, they just tick the box for whom they vote...

So it's all bullshit, there was no alternative, most people chose what they have now, and in general, people are not inclined to change, unless they feel very strongly about it.

Martingeil: there was simply no alternative
Well, there you go... You have to live in Russia to understand that... And not everyone manages to do that.
Well, there you go too... You have to live in Russia to understand that... And not everyone manages to do that.

No matter how unfortunate it is, but it's true. There really was no alternative at the moment. And where is there going to be an alternative under the current political system? No, of course there are people, and decent people still in this country, but the problem is that they cannot win fairly. And there is nothing to talk about in the way we get elected. Putin would have been elected anyway, not in the first, but in the second round. But if these elections were fair, you could really understand how much support this government has.

The only bright spot is Prokhorov, another demonstration of the inadequacy of the money-spending government - the cameras (they are useless and would have been better spent on the development of an electronic system like a ballot box. The only bright spot is Prokhorov and another demonstration of the inadequacy of the money-spending authorities - the cameras (there is no use of them, it would be better to use the money to develop some electronic system like the Bismarck ballot, they would be ahead of the world, instead of making people laugh with the cameras).

Hopefully in six years time something will have changed.


It seemed to me that Martingeil was talking about a different kind of non-alternative - that there is no real replacement for Pu as President of Russia.

But that is not true. Prokhorov may not be an important politician, but he is a very good businessman, i.e. an organiser. It is not the first time he has organised and motivated highly qualified people around him.


It seemed to me that Martingeil was talking about a different kind of non-alternative - that there is no real replacement for Pu as President of Russia.

But that is not true. Prokhorov may not be an important politician, but he is a very good businessman, i.e. an organiser. It is not the first time he has organised and motivated highly qualified people around him.

The Russian elections in London are evidence of that. On the other hand, for a creative person it should make no difference who is in power, as long as there is peace in the country and elementary conditions are created for the development of market relations, and the rest will work out automatically. Reliance on power is the lot of helpless people who are not sure of their abilities. The Russians have made the best possible choice out of the real options that exist. The main thing for traders is that forex is allowed in Russia, not like it is in China. A good strategy in their hands, make money and beneficiate the power that gives them that opportunity and that's it.