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Your statement is fundamentally wrong, as even British scientists agree on the validity of this formula. And if we dig deep enough - what can we know about the structure of the multidimensional (11) universe (matter, waves, energy, words, thoughts) - call it what you like with your truncated 3-dimensional consciousness...
Well, about sharks.... that's a bit of an overstatement...
Well, about sharks.... that's a bit of an overstatement...
No, I'm not - they eat each other, that's a fact.
Your statement is fundamentally wrong, as even British scientists agree with the validity of this formula. And if we dig very deep - what can we know about the structure of multidimensional (11) universe (matter, waves, energy, words, thoughts) - call it what you want with your truncated 3-dimensional consciousness...

Scientists believe the wave is matter? Did I understand you correctly?

Then I went looking for this article.

No, they don't - they eat each other, that's a fact.

Give me your facts. This is just speculation in light of human sharkophobia.

Give me your facts. This is just speculation in light of human sharkophobia.

You can google the facts yourself.

I just remember - I read it somewhere. I have an excellent memory for such things. Do you know how much tundra moss grows in a year? - 1-2 mm. That is, if a tractor passes over the tundra, tractor tracks will be visible for many decades. However, even this low growth rate allowed the moss to become the moss it is today over millions of years (how many mammoths did not trample on it, and it is pohwig).

PS You might as well google "tanganian cichlids" and "malawian cichlids". Not about sharks, but very interesting and, most importantly, very beautiful.


That's where words get in the way.

We are "bound" by words. We cannot think without words. Try it and you will see that we cannot think without words. And thought should be pure free, unbound.

This is called entering the light (causal) world - "the other shore". That is, from "this shore" (the Material World) to swim across the "ocean" of word-image-waves (the Astral World) to the "other shore" - the causal world. But, that's probably already gone to the secret teachings. Alright, it's morning soon. Time to rest.

mersi 27.01.2012 23:17 am | delete
Your statement is fundamentally wrong, as even British scientists agree on the validity of this formula. And digging quite deeply - what can we know about the structure of the multidimensional (11) universe (matter, waves, energy, words, thoughts) - call it what you like with your truncated 3 dimensional consciousness...

Scientists consider a wave to be matter? Did I understand you correctly?

Then I went looking for this article.

I will still look for this article by British scientists. It has become interesting to me.

BUT! The Einstein formula you gave me only tells me that matter/mass is (or is formed) from energy divided by C^2. But that does not mean that the wave is matter.

It would be more correct to say that matter is the materialised energy of waves.

joo: (Silicon life forms - there are on earth too.

Oh, really, Andrei?

Not counting Intel/AMD processors, of course. And also silicon boobs.


Oh, really, Andrei?

Not counting Intel/AMD processors, of course. And also silicone boobs.

Googled it and was amazed. It happens.