[Archive! - page 555


We can only say with certainty that in large (very large) quantities everything is harmful.

Any attachment is harmful.

I completely agree. "you may possess everything, but nothing should possess you" © apostle Paul.

We can only say with certainty that in large (very large) quantities everything is harmful.

Any attachment is harmful.

You are wrong. Health, whether in large or very large quantities, is completely harmless, as is attachment to habits that lead to a healthy lifestyle.
You are wrong. Health, whether in large or very large quantities, is completely harmless, as is the attachment to habits that lead to a healthy lifestyle.

Firstly, nature does not know perfectly healthy people.

Secondly, I know of no names of athletes(with an attachment to habits that lead to a healthy lifestyle) who have stayed in big sports all their lives.


What are you talking about? Reread your penultimate post and my reply to it and then your last one.

Would you argue that there is a lot of health? )

SZS: Professional sports != health, rather the opposite.


sport=good, no exceptions

pro.sports=bad (especially boxing), exceptions: chess and pro-basketball.


Would you argue that there is a lot of health? )

It's too big a topic to discuss here.

But in short: People don't know what a lot of health is simply because they don't even know that it exists until it's gone.

It's like shagreen leather. You only realise the horror when the skin is as small as a nickel.


sport=good, no exceptions

pro.sports=bad (especially boxing), exceptions: chess and professional basketball.

No shit, chess is the most dangerous sport, millions of people a year fall asleep over the game with their chin resting on the hand resting on the table. The result is thousands of gouged eyes on the king, queen and bishops.

No shit, chess is the most dangerous kind, millions of people a year fall asleep over the game with their chin resting on their hand resting on the table. The result is thousands of gouged eyes on the king, queen and bishops.
All right. What about babsclay?
All right. What about babsclay?

That's fucked up. Thousands freezing in winter in their pants and without on balconies

Hundreds of thousands have fallen off those balconies, and how many millions fly out the window right in the proverbial wardrobe

Nah. I'd rather lose both eyes at once at chess.

lizzavet, how interesting. I cannot even believe it. Tell me more about why this is the case.

There is nothing to tell. In a word: "monarchy".

Belarus seems to be in the top ten of the world's dictatorships. And in terms of human rights violations it is in the first place.

But we seem to have one of the highest rates of police officers per capita in the world. The country is very calm and safe. But if you are against the authorities - you're dead.

The average real wage (not official statistics) is $100 per capita and the prices of non-food products are higher than in Europe. And almost the most expensive internet in the world (to make the counterpoint less readable).

- It's only after a recent 100% inflation in six months that the prices of the Internet are comparable with European, but the quality is many times worse.