[Archive! - page 274


A "jubilee" baby is born in Kaliningrad


A famous clown died in the kitchen.

Nikolai Bereza, a leading performer of the Mikos group, died tragically in Moscow.


The question is, "Where's PWYV?"


Detained .... The police questioned the oppositionist's 6-year-old son under the protocol

(The column "education" reads "pre-school (kindergarten.- Kommersant), group 9.)

At the same time, according to the document, six-year-old Ivan started his conversation with the police with the words:
"On the merits of the questions posed to me I can explain the following... My dad, along with other people, is shouting loudly, holding a long cloth bandage and throwing around papers "about the truth".....


Detained .... The police questioned the oppositionist's 6-year-old son under the protocol

(Under "education" it says "pre-school (kindergarten.- Kommersant), group 9.")

"On the merits of the questions posed to me, I can explain the following... My dad, along with other people, shouting loudly, holding a long cloth bandage and throwing around 'truth' papers ....

So? You'd think we were doing something fundamentally different...



Detained .... The police questioned the oppositionist's 6-year-old son under the protocol

(In the column "education" it says "pre-school (kindergarten.- "Kommersant"), group 9.)

"On the merits of the questions I was asked I can explain the following... My dad, along with other people, is shouting loudly, holding a long cloth bandage and throwing around 'truth' papers ....

This is just unbelievable. We didn't see shit like this back in the '90s, no matter what stage it went to. Dad's just getting a hint... Oh, come on. Hello from Gaddafi.

Obama, Putin and Hu Jintao top the Forbes rankings

I thought better of Hu Jintao!

The link doesn't work