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paukas: Опт нужен?

By the way, about Belarusian... I haven't tasted anything good in bottles. There's some bottled Cult (also unfiltered, also from some small firm). It's all right, though. But it's licensed, too, as I understand it.

As for Naibaltik, as you can guess, I only respect no. 8. But it is considerably more expensive than "Oettinger" and has no more taste.

35 x 5 =175 tg, this beer is expensive.

Considering that the cheapest in Moscow chain shops is "Klinskoye", which often costs around 20-25 roubles, it's not at all cheap.


naibaltika )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Speaking of which...

Friends! Recommend Cahors. I've bought so many, it's rubbish. But real Cahors is tasty, tart. All I've been getting lately is a dark red stain. Isn't there any good stuff in the Fatherland?

Peter ... You should go to Moldova for a week ... or better yet to the south of Moldova ... there is enough good wine here. There are good places where you can stop at .... and take you there, get you drunk, bathe you in good wine, and take a couple of bottles home at ..... for the money of course.

By the way, about the Belorussian... I haven't tasted anything good in a bottle. There's some bottled "Cult" (also unfiltered, and also from some small firm). It's all right, though. But it's licensed, too, as I understand it.

Yes, I agree that bottled beer is not beer. That beer can't have an expiry date of 6 months.

But sometimes I feel like having a beer. This afternoon I saw a sign saying 'Goods from Belarus' (or 'from Belarus', or something like that, everything is constantly being renamed), I stopped and went in - a little grocery shop, but inside it's actually a kiosk. They sell something meat and Alivarya beer in 1.5 litre bottles. I decided to try it. I liked the beer, the only tastier of the pre-packaged beers I drank from 5-litre kegs.

Peter ... You should go to Moldova for a week ... or even better to the south of Moldova ... there is enough good wine here. There are good places where you can stop .... and take you there and wash you in good wine, and take home a couple of canisters of wine ..... for money of course.
Will you send it over? I'll pay for it. Seriously. You'll have to text me.

Carlsberg, Budweiser, Heineken, cheap normal beer...

What is Cahors?


What is Cahors?

Kagor is a red wine.

Carlsberg, Budweiser, Heineken, cheap normal beer...

With that very Baltika taste :)

...Beer lovers: please don't drink the big brands! Please drink local beers from small breweries. Now I'm saying please, but later your kidneys will say thank you.

I was surprised to find that our local beer has no competition among the licensed 'brands'. Water, hops and malt. And no "enhancers".

...Friends! Recommend Cahors. How many times I bought - rubbish. But real Cagor - tasty, tart. All I've been buying lately is a dark red tart. Isn't there any good stuff in the Fatherland?
Free as a bird in flight. Nope. I'm looking for it myself. When Moldavia left the market, so did Cahors and quality red dry ones.
But I can, purely theoretically, recommend it. The best USSR cahor is "Uzbekiston", made in Namangan and served on the Kremlin table. But you will not fly there for a bottle... :))
Speaking of alcohol. O'Key carries a Moldovan cognac called Balanesti. I recommend the five-star - it's good and cheap.
Hurry up before the LAST Russian cognac distillery working on its own raw materials and barrels dies! The Derbent Cognac Factory, KVVK Caspiy, KVV Derbent, the Old Fortress and Kavkaz Ordinaries.
It is true that the price of the Ordinar has risen to 550-600 roubles, but the taste is invariably excellent and the quality is consistent.
Send? I'll pay for it. Seriously. Send me a message.

I need to think and ask about restrictions at customs ... Otherwise I don't think there will be any problems with delivery. I will approach the chauffeurs, if there are such flights from Chisinau and ask how they can solve the delivery problem ... As for good wine, I have friends in the south who grow grapes and make good wine.