[Archive! - page 525


It's probably only in big cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg. And in general, Russia is corrupting and moral values are receding into the background. In Belarus, it seems to me, it is different.

I'm packing my suitcase and going to Belarus to look for my wife
And romantics have to make do with the ugly ones:)

I disagree, romantics on the contrary sleep with beautiful women, but it is a fleeting relationship, as these very beauties have (married to wealthy) everything but feelings, and then they begin to want romance and something real, romantics are always ready to help)))))
What's there to admire about him? He just tells it like it is. What spices it up is that he claims to be a resident of the Kremlin.
Excuse me, what are you saying? Or is everyone else lying, including you, and only he is telling the truth?
So the fact that women and I are different justifies their selfishness and selfishness? Do we have to put up with it, like the seasons? Or should we try to re-educate them?
"Self-interest and selfishness" - most women aren't really capable of those feelings - their brains are set up differently. It's just a manifestation of an underlying, subconscious desire to survive. But the environment is not a minor factor either. If we were talking about Denmark, we would be talking about something else - if everyone is equally well off, king and peasant, who would the woman choose?
That's the point, but as soon as he develops himself or is on the prowl, there are accusations of not paying attention from women.

They don't) A little bit of the good stuff.

Girls also like to develop themselves.


I do not agree, romantics on the contrary sleep with beautiful women, but it is a fleeting relationship, as these very beauties already (married to wealthy) have everything but feelings, that's when they start to want romance and something real, romantics are always ready to help)))))

I totally agree with you. And if a girl is single and has rich parents... ...and everything - all the more so!

And rich dudes usually have high self-esteem and low self-criticism.

lizzavet: And rich peppers also usually have too much self-esteem and reduced self-criticism.

Young and pretty girls also often have excessively high self-esteem and are only interested in how best to sell their bodily charms.

I don't speak for everyone. Pretty ones who love maths, physics (!!!) and even Pascal are very rare.

Nietzsche: "Oh, how clever she is! Oh, how beautiful she is! Oh, how much smarter she'd be if she wasn't so beautiful!" (Don't ask me for a reflection. I can't find it, it's been a long time since I read it.)

"self-interest and selfishness" - most women are not really capable of these feelings - their brains are set up differently. It is simply a manifestation of a hidden, subconscious desire to survive. But the environment is not a minor factor either. If we were talking about Denmark, we would be talking about something else - if everyone is equally well-off, king and peasant, who would the woman choose?
I believe that it is not feelings, but bad upbringing. Human society, in the course of its development, has developed some tacit rules of communication which condemn such bad habits, although it is perhaps a manifestation of the survival instincts left over from the wild. In a developed society, morality tells us to survive, but not at the expense of suppressing others. Although now with the advent of capitalism this is beginning to be forgotten.

I totally agree with you. And if a girl is single and has rich parents... and have everything - all the more so!

And rich dudes also usually have too much self-esteem and reduced self-criticism.

Either the same rich parents come in (they want to kill you to get away from you))))))

Either the girl herself, who has always lived in affluence and has not smelled real life and gunpowder, will sooner or later change her romantic moods).

I am completely silent about rich guys, it's even worse there, they seldom grow into men (but there are some).

In a developed society, morality tells us to survive, but not at the expense of suppressing others.

That's right. I didn't say anything about surviving at the expense of others. I was talking about CHOICE.

Clearly, if a woman lives with a rich husband and has the foolishness to nag and gnaw at her husband while trying to steal from him, she is just a miserable fool. The same will be true if such a woman goes to a not-so-wealthy "lucky" man.