[Archive! - page 535

Absinthe... Hmm. Why? It's also a thing. Postmodernism is in full swing. Breakfast on the grass. By the way! It's still green in this winter...
At least tell me what city you live in.
Three-year-olds, though, are a bit stiff.
It's the other way round. The older the ageing, the stiffer (stronger) and richer the cognac.

Vladimir, please return the old avatar, my brain is glitching.
It's the other way round. The greater the ageing, the harder (stronger) and richer the cognac.
Perhaps I'm not expressing myself in the right way. To me, three-year-olds are harder to drink and have a sore throat.
It has to be 5 stars (without the card it's 279p).
PapaYozh: With that very Baltika flavour :)
By the way, better late than never: I can't remember a single beer from Baltika that tastes like a regular bottled Stella Artois. The first time I tasted it, I was blown away by the taste.
By the way, better late than never: I can't think of a single beer from Baltika that's like a regular bottled Stella Artois. The first time I tasted it, I was blown away by the taste.
From Stella or from Baltika?

Oh, I don't remember. About four years ago I bought it at a normal kiosk for 50 roubles. Seemed inexpensive, so it was from Baltika...

Taste of the Middle Ages. No other beer I've ever tasted tastes like that.


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