[Archive! - page 528


.... there was something similar to a simple example of such a pyramid calculation and its operating time for a small town... (using the example of a shop selling bicycles using "network marketing" - the same, essentially, pyramid scheme, only legal...)

Found it here: http://ru.wikisource.org/wiki/Живая_математика_(Perelman)/Chapter_7

"61. An avalanche of cheap bicycles".


5-6, he can't eat any more )

The amazing thing about M is that he feels chosen and our "beautiful" state gives him that chance. Of all the articles he was initially charged with, he only got charged with one - fraud, and not on a large scale, but on a very large scale, and served 4.5 years, I think. And now no one is stopping him from building the great illusion for freeloaders again.

I don't agree with you. What is the fraud? That he takes advantage of people's greed and desire for easy profits? He does not force anyone to give him money, people know very well how it all ends and they put their money anyway. He said the site carries a warning that the pyramid may break down at any time. People build this illusion themselves and not Mavrodi, he simply unites them, that is all. Lack of conscience makes him a fraudster? You shouldn't say that. In most cases, people blame themselves for their problems. Bottom line: you don't want to lose money, just stay away from the pyramid scheme. But no, you have to do it in order to whine and complain for 10 years saying Mavrodi was so-bad he cheated everybody. There is a rule: Do not invest money in business in which you do not understand anything. The only people who can feel sorry for them are pensioners. This is all IMHO, of course, but before you do something you have to think about the consequences.

I do not agree with you. What is the fraud? That he takes advantage of people's greed and desire for easy gain? He does not force anyone to give him money, people know very well how it all ends and they put their money anyway. He said the site carries a warning that the pyramid may break down at any time. People build this illusion themselves and not Mavrodi, he simply unites them, that is all. Lack of conscience makes him a fraudster? You shouldn't say that. In most cases, people blame themselves for their problems. Bottom line: you don't want to lose money, just stay away from the pyramid scheme. But no, you have to do it in order to whine and complain for 10 years saying Mavrodi was so-bad he cheated everybody. There is a rule: Do not invest money in business in which you do not understand anything. The only people who can feel sorry for them are pensioners. This is all IMHO, of course, but before you do something you have to think about the consequences.

Scammers do not force anyone to do anything. Otherwise, it would be extortion... Fraudsters are so called because they make beautiful promises, but they actually become frauds when they fail to fulfil their promises. Our state, represented by the most responsible officials, is a fraudster. They make promises during elections, but in fact they just bail. But they also have a monopoly on legislation and the courts, so it's very difficult, even impossible, to put them away for promises they have not kept.

Philosophically, I agree with you: people are responsible for their own actions. And pensioners have naively fallen for it, I pity them.


Scammers do not force anyone to do anything. Otherwise, it would be extortion... Fraudsters are so called because they make beautiful promises, but they actually become frauds when they fail to fulfil their promises. Our state, represented by the most responsible officials, is a fraudster. They make promises during elections, but in fact they just bail. But they also have a monopoly on legislation and the judiciary, so it's very difficult, even impossible, to put them away for promises they have not kept.

Philosophically, I agree with you: people are responsible for their own actions. And pensioners have naively fallen for it; I pity them.

He said on RBC that he promises nothing to anyone, and he does not know how long MMM-2 will last. So who is more foolish or greedy to invest in a pyramid, and who is smarter watching another show)).

He said on RBC that he promises nothing to anyone, and he does not know how long MMM-2 will last. So who is more stupid or greedy invests money in a pyramid scheme, and who is smarter watching another show)).
And there are many more who are trying to actively fight MMM, at least at the level of anti-agitation. Times are not as wild now as they were in the 80s. So he will face a much bigger wave of accusations, you can no longer feel like a grey cardinal.
And there are many more who are trying to actively fight MMM, at least at the level of anti-agitation. Times are not as wild now as they were in the 80s. So he will face a much bigger wave of accusations, he won't get to feel like a grey cardinal anymore.

Time will tell. All that can be done is to warn the people.

By the way, if you take an ordinary DC, remove the quotes, you get a pyramid scheme. Only the DCs have the proof that you yourself lost money, again because of greed, etc.)


Time will tell. All you can do is warn people.

By the way, if you take an ordinary DC, remove the quotes, you get a pyramid scheme. Only the DC has the proof that you yourself lost money, again because of greed, etc.)

And the risk of losing on forex in DCs is even higher... Life is a strange thing )
And the risk of losing on forex in a DC is even higher... Life is strange.)

That's the thing)) Dealing desk gives you the opportunity to give up your money quickly and voluntarily. If you suddenly start earning (you are not greedy and disciplined), you are politely asked to leave (cutting off losses, so to say))))

That's the thing)) DeC allows you to quickly and voluntarily give up your money. If you suddenly start earning (you're not greedy and disciplined), you are politely asked to leave, cutting off losses)))).

And said M does not accept deposits of huge size, like hundreds of millions. After all, it could ruin the system...

And I don't want to talk about DC at all, it's unpleasant to remember the drain...


And said M does not accept deposits of huge size, like hundreds of millions. After all, it could ruin the system...

And I don't want to talk about DCs at all, it's unpleasant to remember the sinking...

Well, that's right, if this guy wants to take the money plus interest early, M is not a fool - he figured it all out)...