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Thanks for the advice, we'll discard that option. So we'll do it the old-fashioned way... :)
Well yes, I've been doing it for a long time (actually I've never bought a ready-made system). The most important thing is that you know exactly what you're putting in it. And for less than half price of that monoblock you can build a much more powerful system.

today is the "day of silence", when all campaigning (and compromising) is forbidden.

is the law.

Yeah, I've been doing that for a long time (I've never actually bought a ready-made system before). The most important thing is that you know exactly what you're putting in there. And for less than half the price of that monoblock you can build a much more powerful system.

And I've built my first computer "on my knees" in kitchen somewhere in 98, I was very proud of it. It was 166 ADM, overclocked up to two hundred...
Now I use a ready-made system and am generally satisfied, even my eldest, who likes to play around.

The trend away from the open PC architecture is clear - more and more laptops, netbooks, tablets and other off-the-shelf devices are conquering the market.


today is the "day of silence", when all campaigning (and compromising) is forbidden.

it is the law.

And you don't know the law either? That's funny.

And those who vote the wrong way will be torpedoed as they approach the port.


There once lived a deacon. He often went hunting, and brought a big catch from the hunt. The priest became jealous. So he says to the deacon:
- "Teach me how to hunt, too!
- I'd teach you, but you don't have a gun," says the deacon.
- I do not need a gun. I'll take the Gospel, a holy book, with me when I go hunting, I'll lure the birds with it, and you can shoot them," says the priest.
- All right, - agreed the deacon, - but let's bring a real hunter with us. You may be able to attract a lot of birds. I am afraid that I will not be able to do it alone.
They went and took a real hunter with them. They went far into the forest. So the hunter says:
- I don't know the way here, I don't want to get lost.
- I'll find the way with God's word! - the priest answers the hunter.
They went farther into the forest. The hunter shoots many birds, the deacon less so, but the priest never baits any for the Gospel. The hunter laughs at the priest:
- Why didn't you bait any birds with your book?
- I took the wrong book from home in a hurry," says the priest.
They walked and walked and got lost. The hunter says to the priest:
- "Well, lead us to the right road with God's word!
- God's word is written in that book, which I had forgotten at home! - The priest answers the hunter.
So the hunter decided to teach the mugger-pop a lesson. They were walking through the woods, and saw a little fire in the distance. They came nearer - there was a house. Then the hunter said to the priest:
- When the hosts will seat you at the table, don't sit down at once, wait until they call you three times. According to local custom, it is only after the third invitation that priests sit down at the table.
They entered the house. The hosts welcomed them well, invited them to the table. The deacon and hunter sat at the table, and the priest waited for the second and third invitations. But the hosts were silent, they said nothing more. The deacon and hunter sat and drank, but the priest remained hungry. They all went to bed.
The priest complained to the hunter:
- I'm very hungry, what should I do?
- I saw a pot with boiled berries under the bench, take them and eat them! - The hunter says to him.
The priest went under the bench, took out the pot and ate all the berries.
- My hands are now full of berry juice, and when the bosses see me in the morning, they will call me a thief. What shall I do?" he whispers.
- I saw a tub with water under other bench, so wash your hands, - advised him the hunter.
The priest went under the bench and put his hands into the tub. And there was tar in the tub.
- Now my hands are covered in tar - when the bosses see him in the morning, they will say he is a thief. What to do now?" asks the hunter.
- There is a basket in the corner, it is full of rags. Take them and wipe your hands! -The huntsman answers the priest.
The priest went to the basket and stuck his hands in it. But the basket was full of fluff. And so the down stuck to the tar.
Morning came. The landlords saw that the priest had his hands in tar and in fluff and they called him a thief and chased him out of their house.
That was how the hunter taught the priest a lesson. Since then the priest never asked to hunt again.
You might as well start a thread... "Oh, those fairy tales... Oh, those fairy tales!!!" How about "better late than never"?
You could create a branch... "Oh, those fairy tales... Oh, those storytellers!!!" How about "better late than never"?

I read it. Interesting. Yes and your suggestion is appropriate, in spite of the THREE branches of Humour...:-)

Exactly, IMHO, it would be more successful and interesting than "One line humour", the third branch of Humour.