[Archive! - page 169


I haven't been to the Slovoi bazaar this year, I was afraid to clap, and if my mobile phone goes off, it's a disaster worse than the Japanese intervention.

No offence, I hope? It's a bit of a slip-up.

And "sloan" is a mockery of this -- http://news.tut.by/kaleidoscope/231974.html

And, yeah, better fishing than niggers.



I liked this one - it's the emotionless way of doing things, I'll have to learn.



I liked this one - the emotionlessness is something I have to learn to do.

That's cool.

It made me smile when the pilot was dragging to the beat.


Can you tell me a maths question?

Let's say we have a fan of wands, the task is to calculate the angle of the wand to the horizontal (and the whole fan). Each wave has its own period, from fast to slow.

Correct, so if for one

        double ma_1, ma_2;
        double x,y;  // x - прилежащий катет, y - противолежащий
        double tg;   // тангенс в радианах
        double alfa; // угол в градусах
        double pi=3.1415926535;
        ma_1 = iMA(NULL, 0, period, ma_shift, ma_method, PRICE_CLOSE,1);
        ma_2 = iMA(NULL, 0, period, ma_shift, ma_method, PRICE_CLOSE,2);
        x = n_bar; // интервал, на котором расчитываем угол наклона
        y = ma_1-ma_2;    
        tg = MathTan(y/x);
        alfa = tg*(180/pi);  
and if for a fan, you have to sum up all angles on a given interval and divide by the number of wipers?
Vitya: but if it's a fan, do you have to sum up all angles on a given interval and divide by the number of swabs?

If you want to calculate the average angle, you can do it that way, with the average richmetic. Only in the calculation itself you are wrong (see last two lines in red):

x = n_bar; // интервал, на котором расчитываем угол наклона
y = ma_1-ma_2;    
tg = y/x;
alfa = MathArctan(tg);  

You don't need any pi here. And multiply your mashki by some decent multiplier - say, by 10000 or 100000, so that the angle isn't too small. In short, you need to pick it up. You don't have to strive for the angle to be the same as on the monitor. The main thing is to be more or less similar.

In general, my opinion is that a fan is not the kind of thing you should be looking at. Will not save you a rainbow of a thousand balls: they have little more information than one of them :)

P.S. Wouldn't it be easier to find an "average" right away (average all the mashkas on the bar), and then look for its corner? It's faster and more subtle. If interested, I can calculate the formula for it even without software summation. It's not a simple waving...

P.P.S. Yeah, I figured it out, it's not an easy expression. It's easier to sum it up programmatically.


If you want to calculate the average angle, you can do it that way, with the average richmetic. Only in the calculation itself you are wrong (see last two lines in red):

You don't need any pi here. And multiply your mashki by some decent multiplier - say, by 10000 or 100000, so that the angle isn't too small. In short, you need to pick it up. You don't have to strive for the angle to be the same as on the monitor. The main thing is to be more or less similar.

In general, my opinion is that a fan is not the kind of thing you should look at. Will not save you a rainbow of a thousand balls: they have little more information than one of them :)

P.S. Wouldn't it be easier to find an "average" right away (average all the mashkas on the bar), and then look for its corner? It's faster and more subtle. If interested, I can calculate the formula for it even without software summation. It's not a simple waving...

P.P.S. Yeah, I figured it out, it's a tricky expression. It's easier to sum it up programmatically.

for SMAs it is LWMA with a maximum period should be

If you want to calculate the average angle, you can do it that way, with the average richmetic. Only in the calculation itself you are wrong (see last two lines in red):

You don't need any pi here. And multiply your mashki by some decent multiplier - say, by 10000 or 100000, so that the angle isn't too small. In short, you need to pick it up. You don't have to strive for the angle to be the same as on the monitor. The main thing is to be more or less similar.

In general, my opinion is that a fan is not the kind of thing you should look at. Will not save you a rainbow of a thousand balls: they have little more information than one of them :)

P.S. Wouldn't it be easier to find an "average" right away (average all the mashkas on the bar), and then look for her corner? It's faster and more subtle. If interested, I can calculate the formula for it even without software summation. It's not a simple waving...

P.P.S. Yeah, I figured it out, it's a tricky expression. It's easier to sum it up programmatically.

Got it, thanks.
Vinin: for SMA it is LWMA with maximal period should be

No, it's different. If you calculate an average on the zero bar from 20 simple wands with periods from 1 to 20, you get the following expression:

1/20 * { SMA1(0) + SMA2(0) + ... + SMA19(0) + SMA20(0) } =

1/20 * { Close[0]*{1+1/2+1/3+...+1/20} + Close[1]*{1/2+1/3+...+1/20}+ Close[2]*{1/3+...+1/20} + . + Close[19]*1/20 }

The expression is simple but it is difficult to write it in the final analytical form. It's easier not to bother and just sum it up in code.


No, it's different. If you calculate an average on the zero bar from 20 simple wands with periods from 1 to 20, you get the following expression:

1/20 * { SMA1(0) + SMA2(0) + ... + SMA19(0) + SMA20(0) } =

1/20 * { Close[0]*{1+1/2+1/3+...+1/20} + Close[1]*{1/2+1/3+...+1/20}+ Close[2]*{1/3+...+1/20} + . + Close[19]*1/20 }

The expression is simple, but it is difficult to derive in the final analytical form. It's easier not to bother and just sum it up in code.



and so on


Sum(SMA) =Price(1)*(1+1/2+1/3+1/4+..+1/N)+Price(2)*(1/2+1/3+1/4+1/N)+...+Price(N)*1/N

Yes, the formula is different