[Archive! - page 104

So what the hell - the topic is the Smoking Room. We smoke, discuss what's interesting. Apparently the topic is very interesting to many ))
So what the hell - the topic is the Smoking Room. We smoke, discuss what's interesting. Apparently the topic is very interesting to many ))
To eat or not to eat, that's the question ))))

14 pages on grass and meat)))

Alexander, at the present time when there is an insurmountable confrontation between meat-eaters and fruit-eaters your spinelessly primitive position looks ambiguous.

You will have to decide whom you are with - real men whose ancestors chased a mammoth or lovers of two uncooked peas wrapped in a leaf of young lettuce sprinkled with morning dew.


You have to decide who you are with, the real men whose ancestors chased the mammoth

That has nothing to do with it. In fact you are saying that a real man = a monkey-like moron. My ancestors weren't monkeys and retards, maybe they were smarter than me. And certainly smarter than those who make up fairy tales about ape-men for obvious purposes, and those who believe in these fairy tales.

Alexander, in our difficult times, when there is an irresistible confrontation between meat-eaters and fruit-eaters, your spinelessly primitive position looks ambiguous.

You will have to decide whom you are with, real men, whose ancestors chased a mammoth or lovers of two uncooked peas wrapped in a leaf of young lettuce sprinkled with morning dew.

I don't know who my ancestors chased, but I do know that as a child I chased cows in the field who ate grass and in the evening drank fresh milk which was also drunk by the piglets I ate in winter. And when the piglets were small and alive I used to eat tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden, which for better growth fertilized with manure, which usually appears after the cows eat grass (the same ones I drove around the field, what to drink fresh milk)

ZS: I'm an omnivore.


I don't know who my ancestors chased, but I do know that as a child I used to chase cows around the field who ate grass, and in the evening I drank fresh milk, which was also drunk by the piglets I ate in winter.

ZS: I'm an omnivore.

Our man

That has nothing to do with it at all. In fact you are saying that a real man = a monkey-like retard. My ancestors were not monkeys and retards, perhaps they were smarter than me. And certainly smarter than those who make up fairy tales about ape-men for obvious purposes, and those who believe in these fairy tales.

what goals, what fairy tales? don't be so serious.

For those who didn't finish biology at school, or natural history...

На самом деле Дарвин никогда не произносил формулу «человек произошел от обезьяны». Я даже не знаю, кто ее первый высказал – возможно, какой-нибудь безвестный журналист. Если вы в курсе, подскажите.

Зато Дарвин высказался с большой, даже буквальной точностью - что человек порождён членом! Или если цитировать дословно: «неким древним членом человекообразной подгруппы».

Когда-то, цитируя эту фразу из учебника Я.Я. Рогинского, меня разобрали сомнения – действительно ли так было сказано? Не фигура ли переводчицкой речи? И я раскопал оригинал. Да! Член там есть. Не тот, о котором можно было бы подумать (в английском такого оборота нет). Но всё же никак не обезьяна!

“If the anthropomorphous apes be admitted to form a natural sub-group, then as man agrees with them, not only in all those characters which he possesses in common with the whole Catarrhine group, but in other peculiar characters, such as the absence of a tail and of callosities, and in general appearance, we may infer that some ancient member of the anthropomorphous sub-group gave birth to man“.
(Darwin Ch. The Descent of Man. Forgotten Books, 2007. P.134)


"According to herders, cows live about 20 years, some live as long as 35, but bulls live a little less: 15-20 years.

-So by not feeding the cow and forbidding her to pinch grass on her own by putting a muzzle on the cow's muzzle you can get a cow that lives 100 years and gives milk all her life....


Both the starving and the well-fed live the same long life, and humans as well - and if you can't see the difference, why starve?

:-))) I was exaggerating out of envy :-)))