EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 110


How much did you put BL at? If we go further down, my preliminary estimate is up to 3855

My warmest congratulations to the lovely ladies!!!

Happiness to you and all the best!

and I already have the 9th:)
and I'm already on the 9th :)
I'm off my head =)))

My warmest congratulations to the lovely ladies!!!

Happiness to you and all the best!


By the turkey, the upward swing dies, if it hasn't already.


Waiting for a small impulse downwards (in 1-2 hours it will be over) and then a long move upwards, imho of course, time is late...


it's late...

late...eyes flooded.... goals not at the bottom not for tomorrow...

What's the name of the chart with the oil in alp**i?
What's the name of the chart with the oil in alp**i?
#QMJ1 futures