Forex trading, does it make sense? - page 12


I`m glad, I`ve never been cheated by any brokerage company! :-)) I think if you open a real account (micro-real, whatever) and reach a moment when you start to steadily get money and for the first time you get cheated by a DC, then you may consider this moment the happiest in your trading career - at least it will show that your strategy works. I haven't reached such a happy moment yet, no brokerage company has ever bailed on me, and none of my strategies works so far :((

You are confused about cause and effect. Seems to me.

Why should you be cheated - you are already paying the money back.

But ask Slava and other "pipshooters".

I think you will see "non-market" quotes and "unfair" "cheating" from the trader's side...


Maybe one should gain experience in order to advise someone to do something.

But it is true no one forbids to share emotions, I`m Yours too, I`m happy here - "no broker has ever screwed me over"... And so on.


Hi all, here I am back after serving time because of the ban, the first thing I want to say is thanks to the moderator who banned me, I will explain why. I`ve been trading on forex since the beginning of the week and I`ve found out that trading on forex is useless, so it`s time to close my shop and stop wasting my time on it. I am comforted by the fact that I haven't lost any money, because I didn't open a real account. I think many of you now like that you do not know anything, and therefore you can not earn, like you need to learn, etc., etc., and only then everything will go up the hill. I have to disagree with that, I know enough. I have to agree with you, I know enough. Another point is that the so-called legendary "classics" trading, which supposedly earned a ton of money by trading on their systems, which they describe in their own books, what's wrong with them? Well it's that no one has seen the stringent state none of them, which in itself casts doubt on their earnings by this method, unless they only used their fantasy books to get so high, and the rest is all PR. For me from this there is only one conclusion that no one or almost no one earns on Forex, trading is just a hobby, no more and those who earn, well there is only to wait when the market has changed and that's all. But as sad as it is, nobody knows any one person who can really make money on it, everybody thinks that I'm kind of close, but this is self-deception, or at least delusion. To be honest with you I'm shocked by some people that are present on this and other forums, who claim, I would even say proud of themselves, that they are on Forex Market 7, 8 or 10, to such people in the first place and want to ask a simple question - What have you achieved, I can even say for sure that nothing, or nothing much. I think I spent enough time on Forex Market to know what it is and this period in my life should be treated as a prolonged holiday, and it's time to get a job like a normal person again, I advise many people who are still living in hope to have a good life earning on Forex Market. In any case the future was more transparent and optimistic for me when I worked a normal job, I felt that I can affect my financial situation and not to be dependent on some kind of price schedule and other bullshit.

And so to say Z.U. - To go back to the beginning of the branch, I want to add only one thing, namely, that if someone through incredible efforts has managed to make a decent sum of money, it's not a fact that you simply will not be cheated :-)


..... is that no one has seen a rudimentary state of either of them, which in itself is questionable

Here's a look at Williams' stats.

2 Gaspar, congratulations on the second birth =)))).

1. I know a lot of people who gave up forex and now live a calm and measured life without any jitters and fuss.

2.About the books and the statements you may be almost right - except the point that you probably expected a grail in each of the books. But you probably understand yourself - there is no method that works everywhere. To distinguish where a method works and where it doesn't, or where one works and where the other doesn't, is not a system, but an art. And it probably comes with years (not alluding to myself).

3.Even if a person achieves nothing during long years of "near-trading", he at least learns to distinguish grains from dints, like you for example. The chance of finding a grain increases many times. Patience and hard work will do it all =)


Do you think you can make $100 in 5 minutes of time? Then maybe you should spend 96 times 5 minutes (an 8 hour work day) to earn $9600 a day? )))

I think the correlation here is non-linear, and the correlation is rather inverse. And the rest is all a lure.

2 Gaspar, congratulations on the second birth =)))).

1. I know a lot of people who have given up Forex and now live a calm and measured life without any fuss and jitters.

2. about books and statements you're probably almost right - except for the point that I probably expected a grail in each of the books. But you probably understand yourself - there is no method that works everywhere. To distinguish where a method works and where it doesn't, or where one works and where the other doesn't, is not a system, but an art. And it probably comes with the years (not alluding to myself).

Even if a person achieves nothing after many years of "near-trading", he at least learns to distinguish the grain from the Mr., like you for example. In this case, the chance of finding grain probably increases many times over. Patience and work will take care of everything =).

Of course I agree, but I don't want to spend long years, one was enough, there is absolutely no guarantee that even after 10 years of searching (and this is a clinic) one can achieve anything. If you simply compare a year of life before trading with a year after, it becomes scary. During the last year I bought a car, bought a computer for almost 70 thousand rubles, got good clothes, lived in a nice flat, in general, like a white man. I have not earned anything for a year of trading, nothing at all. Besides I live with my parents and my car needs repairs, it's degradation for me. I am sorry that I got into it, by the way my friend who got me into it so to say, he raised well at that time, but he emptied everything.
Oh how scary, you'd think life would be over after a ban...
...I don't have enough foul language for you, but your manners don't allow it.
Hi all, I'm back from my ban and the first thing I'd like to say is thanks to the moderator who banned me...
In general, of course, the effect is unexpected, but thanks for the kind word :))
In general, of course, the effect is unexpected, but thanks for the kind words :))
Yes, there was time to just sit and think
In general, of course, the effect is unexpected, but thanks for the kind words :))