What form, let's assume a physical body, does time have? Your opinion. - page 37


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You are the developer of some kind of self-developing organism.

The organism has a very high development speed, which lags (and probably will lag for a very long time) behind the quality. That is, when it has developed to a certain level, the organism is able to demolish not only the laboratory but also the institute and the city where it was conceived. Because the development of instincts for self-preservation and the preservation of the environment is very much behind the speed with which the organism develops the ability to destroy itself.

What kind of habitat would you put him in?

too transparent veil, not interesting ).
According to yoga philosophy - the movement of consciousness is perceived as time. Stop consciousness - space and time disappear. There is some talk here about an altered state of consciousness, but it is unlikely to help in the bidding. It seems senseless to speak about any physical form of time. As for the market, expressing the price movement discretely, in the form of timeframes, simplifies the perception in the form of a chart and analysis of past events, no more than that, so it is difficult to build a stable TS. I think the TS should take into account the development of events in real time in addition to the use of different instruments. This is my personal opinion ...

Would you like a test?

You are the developer of some kind of self-developing organism.

The organism has a very high development speed, which lags (and probably will lag for a very long time) behind the quality. That is, when it has developed to a certain level, the organism is able to demolish not only the laboratory but also the institute and the city where it was conceived. Because the development of instincts for self-preservation and the preservation of the environment is very much behind the speed with which the organism develops the ability to destroy itself.

What kind of habitat would you put him in?


Just like that? :)

Let's wait for options.


If I were the developer (God) I would place this intellectually underdeveloped creature on Earth,

so to speak, isolate it from the rest of the world...

Is it about the ideal man created by Professor Vybegallo? From Strugatsky's "Monday Starts on Saturday"?

B. Petit looked back at him angrily and turned to Vybegallo again:
-- And when and where will the demonstration of the universal model take place, Ambrosius Ambruazovich?
-- The answer," Vybegallo said. -- The demonstration will take place here in my laboratory. The press will be notified additionally about the moment.
-- But it will be in the next few days?
-- There's a feeling that it will be in the next few hours. So it's best for the press comrades to stay and wait.
Just then, as if on cue, the duos of Fedor Simeonovic and Cristobal Hozevic turned around and walked out. Oira-Oira said:
-- Don't you think, Ambrosius Ambruazovich, that such a demonstration indoors, and in the centre of the city, is dangerous?
-- We have nothing to fear," said Vybegallo decisively. -- Let our enemies be afraid.
-- Remember I told you that it is possible...
-- You, comrade Oyra-Oyra, are not clever enough. You must distinguish, Comrade Oira-Oira, possibility from reality, chance from necessity, theory from practice and in general...

-Maybe on the firing range, after all...


Yeah, there's a lot of that going around... well, I'll do my bit on the subject:

No matter what science fiction writers say, the spatial dimensions end at number "three". The fourth axis of spatial coordinates can be found without searching - it is time. Its majesty is composed of space changing each other like a scene in cinema, creating for a spectator (read for us) an illusion of continuous motion. A form of time? Aha... "a metre of sour cream"! The form of time is the dynamics of shifting processes and phenomena.
Now the funniest thing: it, in its turn, is also three-dimensional! And we feel and can discuss only one of its coordinate X. To get at least a little closer to understanding of Y coordinate of time compare speed and acceleration (the first derivative of speed). So, if X-time is our indestructible, unshakable and merciless, but native time, then Y-time is the value of its true (imperceptible for us) change. Z is not even a guess.

that's it. you can laugh.


Yeah, there's a lot of that going around... Well, I'll do my bit on the subject:

Whatever the sci-fi writers may say, spatial measurement ends at number three. The fourth axis of spatial coordinates is not to be found - it is time. Its majesty consists of three-dimensional spaces, changing one another like shots in cinema, creating for spectator (read for us) an illusion of continuous movement. A form of time? Aha... "a metre of sour cream"! The form of time is the dynamics of shifting processes and phenomena.
Now the funniest thing: it, in its turn, is also three-dimensional! And we feel and can discuss only one of its coordinate X. To get at least a little closer to understanding of Y coordinate of time compare speed and acceleration (the first derivative of speed). So, if X-time is our indestructible, unshakable and merciless, but native time, then Y-time is the value of its true (imperceptible for us) change. Z is not even a guess.

That's it. You can laugh now.

Maybe you're confused, you talk about X and Y as different scales on a logarithmic ruler, but the ruler itself has its own length.)

It seems to me here it is necessary to get into the microcosm, to understand from what movement is possible, etc., I cannot understand how the electron has so much energy to rotate with such speed around the atomic nucleus, if to assume that its energy is infinite then at nuclear explosion ALL must be destroyed (or expand to infinity), and if energy is finite then atom must sometime collapse, which happens at half-decay of radioactive elements, though here we can "long look" at the Sun.

I dare to suggest that time has no direction, it exists everywhere where there is movement and appears at appearance of movement (i.e. movement initially, like water: it stands while there is no movement and moves after the body has stopped and calms down not immediately it can even explain the inertia effect))), and exists while there is movement (while the price stands on weekends the time on the server does not change )))), not for nothing time is measured through movement (clock hands move) and can be measured by what was earlier (initially))))

Maybe you're confused, you talk about X and Y as different scales on a logarithmic ruler, but the ruler itself has its own length )

No, Sash, as in the speed of the car during acceleration/deceleration

No, Sash, as in the speed of the car during its acceleration/deceleration
In that case, if there is a direction of time, then there must be a "place" where it starts and a "place" where the change in time must start. )
In that case, if there is a direction of time, there must be a 'place' where it begins and a 'place' where the change in time must begin. )

It's possible. What's in it for us? We won't notice it, just like a fly won't notice a change in its course.

maybe. what's it got to do with us? we won't notice it, like a fly flying across the cabin won't notice a change in its course.
What about "oh, how quickly time flies by"? )

In (x. y .z) you can exactly corner the model. A further development of the topic is the hypercube and the hypersphere. It's better to backtrack. Not everything a person needs to know.