Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 21


it's like "the sky is blue, the sun is bright")


it's like "the sky is blue, the sun is bright")

...and the price is a prostitute who satisfies everyone. There's nothing special about it, though.

it's like "the sky is blue, the sun is bright")

Yeah, that's the music of words...
...and the price is a prostitute who satisfies everyone. There's nothing special about that, though.

But not everyone's giving

Couldn't resist copying the whole thing. Beautifully written, shaitan (

yosuf 17.02.2011 04:05



I think you are a good psychologist.

And your goals are different..... ))

My goal is the same: will I be able to pick up the trail of the enigmatic market or not? Or will the phenomenon remain unsolved and continue to haunt the minds of future generations with its unrevealing and exceptionalism, tearing the economy apart and scattering people's hopes from side to side, like candles on a screen? Or maybe it was designed so that we would never be able to unravel its secrets, for man is no less a mysterious creature - always striving to curb without thinking of the consequences, for the consequences can be far worse than the market itself. Nevertheless, to expose it, I have directed against it the most powerful function (18), which I have revealed by studying its nature. Its power can be demonstrated by simple examples: if you give its "input" information 1,2,3,4,5 having in mind a linear dependence, it will restore to you the indicated row of digits and then continue with 6,7,8,9,10,11,.........n, i.e. having in mind the whole natural number row! If you propose to solve the regularity of the row 1,4,9, meaning the quadratic dependence, it will continue 16, 25, 36, 49, 64,......, also meaning the quadratic dependence, but in a terrible form (18)! And so it deals with all kinds of functions known to us, their sums, their product in any hypostasis, so far, however, except periodic ones, although it coped with a half-period of sine with an error of 0.3%. So I concluded that if function (18) reveals any regularity inherent in incoming information, let it be in this terrible form (18), but I will be able to understand and decode it, because I created it myself. Here, gentlemen, is the philosophy of the depth of my soul to be tested. Please, use all your experience and talent to bury this (18) with dignity in a computer! Sorry for the digression from the topic.


Couldn't resist copying the whole thing. Beautifully written, shaitan (

yosuf 17.02.2011 04:05



I think you are a good psychologist.

And your goals are different..... ))

My goal is the same: will I be able to pick up the trail of the enigmatic market or not? Or will the phenomenon remain unsolved and continue to haunt the minds of future generations with its unrevealing and exceptionalism, tearing the economy apart and scattering people's hopes from side to side, like candles on a screen? Or maybe it was designed so that we would never be able to unravel its secrets, for man is no less a mysterious creature - always striving to curb without thinking of the consequences, for the consequences can be far worse than the market itself. Nevertheless, to expose it, I have directed against it the most powerful function (18), which I have revealed by studying its nature. Its power can be demonstrated by simple examples: if you give its "input" information 1,2,3,4,5 having in mind a linear dependence, it will restore to you the indicated row of digits and then continue with 6,7,8,9,10,11,.........n, i.e. having in mind the whole natural number row! If you propose to solve the regularity of the row 1,4,9, meaning the quadratic dependence, it will continue 16, 25, 36, 49, 64,......, also meaning the quadratic dependence, but in a terrible form (18)! And so it deals with all kinds of functions known to us, their sums, their product in any hypostasis, so far, however, except periodic ones, although it coped with a half-period of sine with an error of 0.3%. So I concluded that if function (18) reveals any regularity inherent in incoming information, let it be in this terrible form (18), but I will be able to understand and decode it, because I created it myself. Here, gentlemen, is the philosophy of the depth of my soul to be tested. Please, use all your experience and talent to bury this (18) with dignity in a computer! Sorry for the digression from the subject.

yyyy... :)

You could take this whole post apart into sentences, and immortalise them each in its own right. :)


Kontra: трейдеры, причем достаточно успешные, у которых просто нет стимула, нет денег


oh, that's me :D I don't want to trade...

and experts are bored to write on their strategies, even though they will be profitable


Doesn't sound like Apichatka to me:

kamasutr 18.02.2011 23:58

Можно ли, в метатрейде 4, пол слота продать по профиту а вторую половину поставить в трейлинг-слот? Если можно то как?


Doesn't sound like Apichatka to me:

Yes it's just a trick, look(-te) at the author's name - if kama, and even if in the morning, everything, in my opinion, it is clear, okay, at least half a slot with trailing, not the entire bar (-chik), for example, double slot without tral (analog of B-52+abbent + bong(-chik)) - at all for the slaughter... :-)))