Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 18 (emphasis mine):

lol101 28.01.2011 14:27


К этому вопросу рано или поздно приходит каждый кто столкнулся с форой,

Но сам по себе вопрос "летарический" это всё равно что спросить: зачем человек рождается если так или иначе умрёт...

А вообще ты прав,,, на форексе зарабатывают только те кто кидает а именно брокеры и кодеры)))

I did not know that coders are on the payroll of scammers :)))))))))
If a normal person admits to being a sucker, they're bound to get sucked)

They're all hustlers, scammers, what are they going to do now Smithers ? Take over your network of orphanages, sir. (С)



Humour thread:

IgorM 27.01.2011 20:47

come on, you're the president, your actions

I will not invent how to lift a destitute country from its knees, I will remember TA: history repeats itself - i will analyze how many years it takes to feed a starving country and launch its own astronaut, i will not give money to nanotechnology so developments of 20 years ago will only see the light of day on tv news shows, but were never demanded by industry, I would just make Chinese phones and computers with the help of domestic producers, and this is the way to the welfare of a dying nation to increase the birth rate - and finally we will be able to see real figures on how many working people have been added to the population, and not some relative statistics in percentage terms compared to 1988, then to 1991, or simply figures taken out of thin air, for I see how many children are in primary school now, for I know that the committee on tariffs agrees on housing tariffs by December, and we begin to fight against the non-increase in tariffs by the end of January when I deeply regret it, for I know that gasoline will rise by 1-3 rubles, and the FAS will succeed in reducing prices by 10-20 kopecks

HENRY: My specific actions with regard to the unclear price of "buckwheat" - I buy "secretly" 200 cars of buckwheat from neighbouring countries and stock shops wherever I can at cost, and then at the end of the storage period I force the conscientious.... buckwheat eaters to eat it. entrepreneurs



interesting regularity: i've been studying forex for about 2 weeks, i've been doing it for 1-2 hours a day and it's the second time in the deepest recesses of the day )))), and i used to study the market for 5-6 hours a day and i guess i was on the same wave as the others:

- I read topics 2, 3 years ago - posts of participants almost verbatim repeat with current posts

- When I watch TV news, history repeats itself: an event that has benefited society, but a couple of years/months/weeks later the same event turns out to have been harmful to society

I suspect that we are running through the Mobius Circle, the only thing left to do is to figure out at which point to jump out of the loop in the food chain, and look at the market/life from a different perspective ;), paukas again:

paukas 29.01.2011 23:19

The Euro is in Taurus right now which is conducive to growth.

However, there is a negative influence of the constellation Elk although not zodiacal.

I liked it better this way:
paukas 29.01.2011 22:20
It's clear that nothing is clear ))))
What is there to understand? Take it out of the countryside and send it away.
By the way, applications are accepted. "In writing and in triplicate".
By the way, applications are accepted. "In writing and in triplicate"(c)
I've already counted to two. One more blatant flubbery, I'll apply. :)

Believe in yourself until the end!