Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 80


The post is perfectly fine, but the combination of question and avatar looks funny :)) Here.

#include <log.mq4>
#include <Comment_trend.mq4>
#include <Comment_bar.mq4>
#include <Fun_New_Bar.mq4>  

where are these features?

moskitman 24.12.2012 18:08 |


What is the reason for Americans killing Russian children?

I think in the behaviour of the children. You certainly wouldn't have survived.



Right there. Highlighted by me.

Peter_Zabriski 01.01.2013 15:21 
Caesar34: To be honest I haven't even seen your iFMA.mq4 , it's just my own thoughts ;) But yours is still not the right one, at least the result is not finalized for my idea =)

I have not seen myself. No reflection, what a torment.
I'm telling you: nonsense. But! Ready to empathise! Joyful and interesting - a clinic!

I apologise for taking it out of context, but it sounds impressive in itself (both meaning and spelling):

ALEX_SPB_RU 17.01.2013 14:10

as I was immediately upgraded to this one from 419

A neural network is essentially an intelligent computer (mind + feelings)

Why is there no booze in always goes up in price...I got into a buy on beer without a stop loss in the short term...-\
The branch is going dormant. That's right - everyone moved to 5. Have fun there.
One last thing. Remembering Einstein: the same thing, expecting another - ....))) Well, here goes. I won't be a part of this.

I've written a hundred times why the 5 is not the right thing for today's market, but apparently, making money with DCs is the company's credo. I would - but I'm a cult man. - I don't call it that.

Too bad. "And I waited, hoped and believed so much!" )))

Good luck, everybody. It's been a pleasure chatting.


Twenty-four hours passed, no reaction. Not a single person regretted that the Swinosaurs were gone for good. No one.

There's only one high that money can't buy: the high that you know what no one else knows.


the buzz is that you know something that no one else knows.

about the stops?
It's a high point to be thanked for the knowledge you share. But you don't understand that.