Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 28

... Lurkomorye

And KOTH is a scientist on that oak tree, lol...(purely lol - that's to the starter's question about "scum")



Yusuf continues to burn - certainly in connection with (18):

3. Прочитайте определение Гамма-функции. На "пальцах" можно объяснить так: Если числа Фибоначчи создаются сложением двух предыдущих чисел по ряду, то Гамма - функция учитывает произведение всех предыдущих чисел данного ряда, теперь улавливаете ее мощь по сравнению с числами Фибоначчи, интуитивно применяемые на Форексе без каких либо доказательств, основываясь на особенностях их получения, как мистические числа. Поскольку Гамма - функция получена или введена мною в результате решения дифф. ур-ния процесса изменения цены, есть какое то объяснение этому факту. Учите математику хотя бы в этом ракурсе в минимальном объеме и все станет сразу ясно.

4.The black box model is applied wherever all factors are complicated and found to be viable, such as the derivation of the principles of mathematical induction, based entirely on the logic of thought, but producing correct formulas in defiance of mathematical logic.

<br / translate="no">

The image of a successful forex player:

"andrius 05.05.2011 00:06

I need to reinstall the MT or is it a glitch build? Reinstalling the terminal has not helped.
One of the two problems is that the terminal does not work.

P.S. One of those 2% of traders who consistently win at Forex... :-)))


P.S. One of the 2% of traders who consistently win at forex... :-)))

You're probably expanding the statistics of successful traders, now it's 2.1% - look at andrius's profile, it's obvious that for him Russian is not his primary language, I think you'll get no better at communicating with foreigners
You must be expanding the statistics of successful traders, now it's 2.1% - look at andrius' profile, because obviously Russian is not his primary language, I think you will do no better in communicating with foreigners

:-))) I am flattered, thank you.

At the same time ( especially for a foreigner) - in order to understand what people are talking about, no one has abolished spell check, it does not depend on the language.

Or write directly in English, it would be clearer.
Or write it in English straight away, it would be clearer.

Yes, well, of course, that's what I mean too... There's a NORMAL framework, isn't there? I once had a conversation with an Italian, but with a dictionary... :-))) Russian-Italian, Italian-Russo - everything was fine, we understood each other... There was no abracadabra at all...

Otherwise... I think annals are for the worthy, and it doesn't matter if it's English or Russian or whatever... :-)))

His mother tongue is Russian, his mother tongue. It is not possible to mutilate a non-native language like that.

Thecatfish branch has been reactivated. A live Classic came along - and did not disappoint (excerpts from the post; spelling retained in its original form):

Galina: Торгую по ловине, полный автомат, ловина в ее чистом виде, то есть коэффециэнт умножения 2.


You can badmouth the method all you want, but I'll tell you one thing:


Everything else is fickle and unreliable.

Of course, everyone decides for himself. If you give a monkey a grenade, you understand the result.

The same here, Lovina in inexperienced hands is a guarantee of a fast drain on the account!

But I wouldn't trade it for anything.


Sultonov Indicator on MT screen" thread:

paukas: Everyone is getting drained. Some just don't live to see it. That's how they die rich.