Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 27

Of course, that's what happens to everybody. But you are still Buonaparte to me - even if Perelman solved Poincaré's hypothesis, not Dirichlet's!

Integer 05.04.2011 15:31

You need to think less and read the manuals first.

This has not happened yet in the annals of history.


When a man is surprised, he too produces pearls.)


Integer 05.04.2011 15:31

You need to think less and read the manuals first.

This has not happened yet in the annals of history.


When a man is surprised, he also produces pearls:)

No, it's just that you don't get it. It's exactly "think less", and if you don't get why, you don't get it, I won't explain. Because it says why.

...what's the connection between the brandmauser and the review?

Again, Yusuf, keeper (18), in the "Sultonov Indicator on the MT screen" thread:

Уравнение (18) в миг и запросто превращается, в частности, и в прямую линию, причем, идеальную прямую. Например, если на его вход подадите 1, 2, 3, оно продолжит 4, 5, 6, 7,......, восстановив весь натуральный ряд, но в страшном виде (18)! Можете проверить и убедиться в эту метамарфозу, запрограммировав его. Сейчас у меня времени нет для выявления всех удивительных свойств (18) в математическом плане. Коротко скажу, что (18) справляется подобным образам почти со всеми известными функциями и их всевозможными сочетаниями.


Once again, Yusuf, keeper (18), in the "Sultonov Indicator on MT screen" thread:

Yusuf, kudos to you!

An excellent, high quality abacus you generate.



What's not annal?

kaluna20 21.04.2011 23:41

Can you please configure the standard indicators (Moving Average, MACD, Accelerator...) to be ahead of the chart (at least one candle, or help me predict the closing price (not the exact value, but if it is above or below the open) of the current candle?


What's not annal?

kaluna20 21.04.2011 23:41

Can you please configure the standard indicators (Moving Average, MACD, Accelerator...) to be ahead of the chart (at least one candle, or help me predict the closing price (not the exact value, but if it is above or below the open) of the current candle?

It's definitely not an annal. It can be done though the percentage of errors will be too high because of the MA itself as a filter. I will not say how to do it. Let the author think for himself, if he has anything.

Yusuf, kudos to you!

Excellent, high quality abacus you generate.


Abassaka is the same as "ROFL" or "laughter". The language of the pug, aka Olban, is a metaphorical allegorical language for expressing thoughts in an unreadable form. Lurkomorye
Abassaka is the same as "ROFL" or "rjunimagu". The language of the pug, aka Olban, is a metaphorical, allegorical language for expressing thoughts in an indecipherable form. Lurkomorye
aftar zhite, pishite ish, patsutulom!