Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 22

In short, the whole branch "The Sultonov Indicator on the MT screen" in its entirety. Read the whole thing!
Long overdue, as well as awarding the author with the Order of the Ephalda
Long overdue, as well as awarding the author with the Order of the Ephalda
_The effect is not a division, but merely an effect.

The effect of rewarding and ridiculing is just an effect.

What matters is the process of sharing itself...


In short... Read the whole thing!

Mathemat, are you a nominee for your own branch?

... corruption everywhere... go away


The effect of reward and ridicule is only an effect.

What matters is the process of sharing...


No I strongly recommend that the honourable be presented with the Order of the Ephalda !

yosuf 20.02.2011 04:48

Yusuf, they are really not fundamentally different from the gamma distribution

In fact, any non-negative function F(x,k) satisfying the conditions


will fall under your definition of "universal progenitor of all exponents" and have all the same properties.

I hope you have sufficient knowledge in matanalysis to understand that there are an infinite number of such functions.

You yourself unwittingly reproduced my L-function from the article in a differential form, which after the publication of the article has no new value, but is a sign of full recognition of the conclusions of the article, so I have been assuming, not as you zealously, that such a function must exist in nature, which "I have so far called..........."But one should always be very careful with such plunging conclusions, because I might be wrong and one should never lose one's judgement, for if something is detected, it will definitely come out, but one should be very delicate and cautious, but one should mark the main points in time, as it is done in this case, if YOU have got caught in the "infinite set" of L-functions. In my opinion, after my article has been published, no self-respecting scientist would claim to have "found" function F(x,k), when function L(t;n) is already known and successfully functions in the indicator body, what do you see the difference in notation? So, such "discoveries" now will not add glory to anyone, but rather the contrary. Remember, at least my conclusions in the article, that "at n=1 the L-function turns into an exponent" and you once again remind me of that, isn't it nonsense? Read it again, please, more carefully. I will not allow anyone to argue against the L-function without facts, because it is the main one initially accumulating all the signs of destabilisation in transients and in the market in particular, from which it is integral. It is it that sets the tone for future representatives of transition functions, smoothly transferring portions of instability through the differential M-function to the next integral S-function, being completely swallowed by it! This whole integral-differential metamorphosis is described in two lines of transformations, and the joy of understanding this fact is left to the reader.


I second that, Rustam. This is indeed one of the few major scholars who, along with efald, has earned the right to write immediately, directly into the Annals. (I am reminded of the not unknown in narrow forum circles Mr. Smirnov(Author's Dialogue), who dared to challenge Djuric himself - but something did not work out and, it seems, came to the conclusion that the assistant who wrote his paper was a blonde, who got it wrong, as usual).

2 Sorento, tara: Dear, I sometimes get the impression that your sense of humour is going out of whack with the compulsive contradiction syndrome.


I second that, Rustam. This is indeed one of the few major scholars who, along with efald, has earned the right to write immediately, directly into the Annals. (I am reminded of the not unknown in narrow forum circles Mr. Smirnov(Author's Dialogue), who dared to challenge Djuric himself - but something did not work out and, it seems, came to the conclusion that the assistant who wrote his paper was a blonde, who got it wrong, as usual).

2 Sorento, tara: Dear, I sometimes get the impression that your sense of humour is going out of whack with the compulsive contradiction syndrome.

Um... how shall I put it... Alexey, actually, in that post I smiled at your advice to "...reread the whole...", which I took as an obvious joke, reckoning that my post would be taken in the same way.

The post (this one) is like a glossary of jokes... :)



I emphasise that you need a normal manual, mechanical system. NOT A COUNTER.

I trade manually, but mechanically :))
Here's a gimmick from the top of the page -

Richard_il 26.02.2011 22:33

Do you know if the MQL4 editor has debugging feature? For example, how do you set breakpoints and go step by step through the code?

Azzx 26.02.2011 22:42

Alas, it's rather sad here, although some icons are placed in the IDE.

On the other hand - debug print allows to remember childhood, 48 kilobytes of RAM and other wooden toys. Again - it keeps brains in tone. :)