Technical analysis - A scam for beginners? - page 40


Aren't you confused about having two Supersignals at the QB?

Until now, it wasn't - I didn't know what it was. But now it is! What are they?
It's a semblance of those TA components that have like banana crusts on them...
It's a semblance of those TA components that are like banana crusts....

Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand this is getting more interesting! So, there are hidden. secret components of TA not accessible for ordinary traders? Which are owned by mysterious QBs and hidden from the people? Do you know them? Do you know something about them? Tell us all please!

I have seen mention of some mysterious TA Super Signals. Travelling through the Himmalayas, a French expedition came across a manuscript in an old monastery which described some mysterious TA super-signals developed in troubled times by a group of hermit traders. But an impending blizzard, which could close the pass for many months, forced them to leave the monastery in a hurry and they didn't have time to copy the texts.

P.S. What do you usually see on banana crusts?


Open the second TA page, there he is a beauty. And a link to the first one.

Use it and prosper.

You can also add the Golden Cross. You can find it on the web.


Open the second TA page, there he is a beauty. And a link to the first one.

Use it and prosper.

You're asking a lot of questions, sir! What's there to open? Be more specific. The TA Bible?

Can you do it in a week?

I beg your pardon - QB.

The cross, by the way, is a very solid thing - it doesn't redraw at all.

Can you do it in a week?

don't torture the child - what is the indicator?

Faggoty, I'm in a good mood.

I'm just kidding. Don't suffer, I'm just explaining what people are getting in their heads.

This is just an example.

A successful trader is not going to babysit.

Hence the torment of the nubile. Babysitters are the ones who make money.

All the trouble....


Faggoty, I'm in a good mood.

I'm just kidding. Don't suffer, I'm just explaining what people are getting in their heads.

This is just an example.

A successful trader is not going to babysit.

Hence the torment of the nubile. Babysitters are the ones who make money.

All the trouble....

Aaaaaaah! So that's what you are, a successful trader! And everyone here is a loser, and you came in so handsome....

Why are you here, sir? For a walk, eh? You know all the secrets of a successful trader, but you will not tell anyone? A secret?

Tell me, can you show us all a successful trader's steat? It would make all unsuccessful traders feel ashamed!