Technical analysis - A scam for beginners? - page 49

It is natural for you. A good man will always share with a friend.

It is not natural for me, I was describing your kasher brethren.
Of course, the good will share, but the good do not come here, and they do not always let you share what is good. There are others who share with a friend (even if it is doubtful), but they forge ahead on a forum and write books. And clearly not for the purpose of sharing. Third class. Just for show. Which one did you mean. There are mostly only three of them.

Now you're a French Legionnaire (or who's the swarthy one)?

Come on, that's yours, I have nothing to do with them, and the topic of the thread is different, let's not fluster Comrade Legionnaire.


Are you now a French Legionnaire (or whoever the swarthy one is)? He is sharing with a friend (and even that is doubtful), but he is forcing himself on the forum, and writing books. And clearly not for the purpose of sharing.

Well, never mind, it's yours, I have nothing to do with them, and the topic is different, let's not flood comrade legionnaire.

Of the books I recommend:

"Notes of a Grailmaker",

"Kosher Stop".

"How to sit out 14 pieces or more"

They're all true.


Of the books I recommend:

"Notes of a Grailmaker",

"The Kosher Stop."

"How to sit out 14 figures or more."

Why? So you can brag again about how you just can't make a kosher stop? You'll never write a book about conditions of making, finding and limits of kosher stop, and places where it will be more profitable than the other way round, because kosherness won't let you.

I say to show off wit for you interesting and not to share, and you share as I wrote - only common phrases that work in general, everywhere, so that their voicing will not say anything, because they are in each direction the same, But for them to bring income in each direction they have their formalization, and without it these basic concepts will not give anything, and to a way of adaptation and formalization of these basic concepts to our case, in order that these concepts become working, so your kasherness will not let even on a point of a bullet to it.

There you go again, paraphrasing common postulates.

"there's more than onegrail."

"stop losses are better with dynamic stops."

"cut the losses, or work on reducing the drawdown".

Moreover, the only general phrases you postulate, you try to decorate them with wit, passing them off as "sharing your thoughts". BOOA-GA-GA. You could have written like that.

What does a trader make money on, a real trader - if you don't use TA?
What does a trader make money on, a real trader - if you don't use TA?...guessing?
On ingenuity and ingenuity!
What does a trader make money on, a real trader, if not using TA?...guessing?
A fortune teller:
Resourcefulness and ingenuity!
He guesses a little better than everyone else.
On ingenuity and ingenuity!
But, the market sends, to visit them, Uncle Kolya the fattier.
He guesses a little better than everyone else.
He guesses slightly better (<5%) than everyone else (>95%).
What does a trader make money on, a real trader - if you don't use TA?...guessing?

Trust no one. A trader earns on TA and/or FA, sometimes just a gut feeling. Gypsies and the weather service make money on divination.

Don't trust anyone. A trader earns on TA and/or FA, sometimes just a gut feeling. Gypsies and the weather service make money on fortune-telling.

I guess so) But the gypsies didn't do well in forex either. Or else Gunn would have been in favour...