That's interesting - page 8


Does everyone see only what is written and no more? Colleagues, what do gravitational fields, solar systems, solar activity, relics, electromagnetic radiation and other very interesting objects have to do with it? Do you seriously think I am going to predict the future of the market based on the stars? Just like that, for free, to give you that kind of pleasure?

Hrenfx: Практическая применимость сказанного на первый взгляд может казаться невозможной …

Huge, if you look a couple more times!!!

Yurixx: Regularities are different. For example, the proposed material suggests that market activity may correlate with the cycles discovered by Schnoll. However, to suggest that it will give an opportunity to determine "where the market will go" is ridiculous.

It is ridiculous for a man to follow forex, because "... forex follows man" (C)". :о) Yuri, what have Schnoll cycles got to do with it?


The fact that gravity affects the passage of time and distorts space has long been a proven scientific fact.

What is gravity? Or rather, why does it exist? Why would material bodies interact with each other?

In general, it seems to me that the truth is not somewhere near, but very far away... It seems to me that man invented many notions for comfort, taking into account those features that he observes around him, i.e. he tries to systematize them somehow and use for his life activity. What is time? Does it exist at all or is it just a scale invented by man? If we do not know the beginning and the end, then what is the scale of division? And is it the same for each individual in the universe? An insect living less than a day may perceive this interval (a day) as an eternity, while for someone, our life is just an instant....


Eh, if I had the time, I'd buy and sell it...

silmin85: Can you give me a hint about this programme?

So, Friday has started...

silmin, there's this thread for such questions.

I'm sorry, why would you say that?

Well, if you've read Schnoll's lectures, you should understand that he's been studying. He was just studying the irregularities (which turned out to be cyclical in nature) of various, first biological and then any processes. These irregularities manifested themselves in different speeds of the processes, that is, in their different activities. If, according to Schnoll, this cyclicality can be observed in any processes, then it can also be observed in the market - cyclical changes of activity, and activity and volatility are directly related. This is evidenced by the picture given by Sergei.

The fact that gravity affects the passage of time and also distorts space has long been a proven scientific fact. Try to climb the Ostankino tower and measure one second. It will be different in time than the second measured by the same clock at its base. The same space - between the star, the...

Yes, yes, thank you for the clarification, it is known.
However, one must still be aware of the scale of the effects. The difference between the secunda on the tower and on the ground, although measurable, will be extremely small. Similarly, the inhomogeneity of the gravitational field on the scale of the solar system. The inhomogeneity created by the Sun is centrally symmetric and can in no way affect the hourly course of processes on Earth. The Earth completes only 1/365th of its orbit around the Sun per day, and the inhomogeneity associated with the eliptic character of this orbit cannot be changed cyclically on a daily basis by the hour. Think about it and, I am sure, you will agree with me.

If this cyclicity is not due to solar gravity, but to stellar gravity, there cannot be any such thing here at all. The distance from the nearest stars to the solar system is so great that these inhomogeneities in the solar orbit volume simply cannot be seen. The same applies to the aggregate gravitational field of the galaxy.

I hope you have understood that I do not deny the gravitational effects, but I believe that it has no relation to those effects of daily hourly cyclicity of all processes which Shnol has found. Note the last cycle of his callimator experiments. After all, they quite clearly show that the effects depend on the spatial direction in relation to the stars.


It is ridiculous for a man to follow forex, because "... forex follows man" (C)" :о) Yuri, what have Schnoll cycles got to do with it?

At least that's the connection that is being seen. If you see something else - share it. You started a thread for some reason.

Forex does follow man, but not one, but many = cumulative. And one must not oppose himself to all and therefore must follow forex. :-)))


Forex does follow the individual, only not one, but many = the aggregate. And one should not oppose all, and therefore should follow forex. :-)))

Got it twisted?! "Man Cumulative" (C) That's a word I'll remember, :o)

At any rate, that's the connection that's being looked at. If you see something else - share it. You started a thread for some reason.

Actually, I was thinking of making a bit of a show of myself and then slipping away. Just kidding, I'll tell you about it in some form. Most likely at the weekend - I'll need some time and some pictures to draw.

PS: In addition, there's something else to check. There is a huge request. I am not yet friends with MT, especially with working with dates. And MathCAD doesn't work with dates very well. I need a table of EURUSD, CLOSE, MINUTES:

  • Columns: minutes, from Monday to Friday
  • Rows: weeks

As much history as possible, the numbering of the rows should go in order of weeks, i.e. as if the time series should "record" from a new row after the trading week has ended.

Don't think of it as cheeky :o) If it's not difficult, but if it's a problem, that's fine.

It is advisable to take a higher TF, there will be a lot of noise, up to the differences in the results from the quotations of different brokerage companies
Yes and trade positively.
I've read the materials. Though cursory, but. In short, I suspect that Schnoll is something like Petrick. Alas.