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You are trying to take the conversation in a different direction.

I'm trying to make you understand that the media only says the things that the owner of the media wants them to say at the moment.

I am trying to make you understand that police officers are different too, and they are not recruited from Mars either.

But for some reason it is more profitable for the media to write about shapeshifters than to write about honest police officers.

About the artificially fuelled negativity. Of course, I understand that the police are also our own citizens. But here's the thing. History. I may have already told it. My car was stolen. Due to the stupidity of the hijackers, they were caught twice, with interruptions. In the end, when everything was sorted out, after the trial I calculated that seven policemen, including a teacher at a police school, were involved in stealing and dismantling the car (he knew about it). And this is NOT an organised gang. It's a coincidence, it's just that many of them are in the business, and many just happened to be around because they are policemen and wanted to make a small fortune. and everyone knew all about it. And so a few probably honest cops, thanks to them, solved the case, and they knew both where the cars were being repossessed and where they were dismantled, and the cops just went where they needed to go and did the paperwork. And they even put one of their own guys on probation for four years. It's a fatherly thing to do. It's a laugh and a sin. The car was a wreck in the end anyway, it had time to "sort itself out" and "self-distribute" apparently. Should I respect the police or what? Is this an artificial aggravation or what? So in fact the cops stole from me, sold it and then put themselves on probation. And I don't get it. Would it have been worse or better without them? The car is gone, and I am grateful to honest cops.


Should I respect the police or what?

Not only respect them, but also help them.

Is this an artificial aggravation or what? I mean, the cops actually stole from me, sold me, then put themselves on probation.

Policemen are not fairy tale knights. Policemen are, first and foremost, the people around you. And there are all kinds of people.

And I don't get it. Would it be worse or better without them? What are they for, anyway?

They're the last barrier between you and a bacchanalia of banditry. Or between you and civil war.

They're your safety, support and protection.

Or have you forgotten the nineties?
I remember. I remember the bacchanal of banditry, how at night I had to confront people with knives in full view of the cops, and when a cop's beanbag saw it, he ran out of gas. They must have run out of duty, or the forms, or been too lazy. I was rescued by a driver who started ramming his body into them. Not the cops, they were gone by then, but those with knives. Initially they wanted to rob us. It was a gangsta thing.
I remember. I remember the bacchanal of banditry, how at night I had to fight against people with knives in full view of the cops, and when a cop's beanbag saw it, he ran out of gas. They must have run out of duty, or the forms, or been too lazy. I was rescued by a driver who started ramming his body into them. Not the cops, they were gone by then, but those with knives. Initially they wanted to rob us. It was a gangstop.

Yes, yes. "What regiment were you in?"

In general, there is no union anymore, and we have to live in this state. It is therefore necessary to build it, not to rebuild unions. and it is high time to modernise the fire safety system; it is not working very well now, although it is doing a lot.

Yes, yes. "What regiment were you in?".

I see you don't believe me. That the cops wouldn't prevent a crime in such a twisted form? Yeah, sure, it's easier not to believe. The truth is an unpleasant thing. It's easier for you to live your life and talk nonsense on forums.
In general, there is no union anymore, and we have to live in this state. This is why we need to build it, not rebuild unions. and the fire safety system is long overdue for modernisation; right now it is not working very well, although it is doing a lot. But it needs more, better and smarter work.
Are you ready to work harder, better and smarter? For the same salary, and often on weekends?

I see you don't believe me. That the cops wouldn't prevent a crime in this twisted form? Yeah, sure, it's easier not to believe. It's easier for you to live your life and talk shit on forums.

Bullshit, my good man -- it's in your head.

That's it, I'm leaving you now.

Ready to work harder, better and smarter? For the same pay, and often on weekends?

I work, try harder and better, for the same pay. Unlike some people. And often on weekends. There you go.
ZS, about the fires, our military recruitment office is now issuing summonses to fight fires (oh what =)