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The movie is somehow retold.

There was a village

there were houses, cows, chickens, pigs, vegetable gardens, plans

an hour later, the village was gone.

In '72 the entire Kantemirovka with military equipment was instantly lifted to the peat bogs near Moscow, leaving only the sentries at the outpost. There was a soldier with a shovel on every meter of the front and villages were defended.
There are probably no such units now. The whole legacy of the totalitarian army has also been cut back and reformed.
There are probably no such units now. The entire legacy of the totalitarian army has also been reformed.
There are all of them, the Kantemirovskaya, the Tamanskaya, and many others. There is no management in the country, that's the trouble.
There are probably no such units now. The whole legacy of the totalitarian army has also been reduced and reformed.

You see Svetlana, they are just very busy now


You see, Svetlana, it's just that they're very busy now

You shouldn't say that.
You shouldn't do that.


I understand that the frail guy in the red T-shirt made it very difficult for people to "go to the country house or to the hospital" (from the VVP).

If it hadn't been for that nice policeman, people would have never been able to get to their summer cottages or hospitals.


I'll quote you again:

Правила пожарной безопасности в Российской Федерации
(утв. приказом МЧС РФ от 18 июня 2003 г. N 313)

II. Населенные пункты

112. Для населенных пунктов, расположенных в лесных массивах, органами местного самоуправления должны быть разработаны и выполнены мероприятия, исключающие возможность переброса огня при лесных и торфяных пожарах на здания и сооружения (устройство защитных противопожарных полос, посадка лиственных насаждений, удаление в летний период сухой растительности и другие).

I don't know about anyone else, we had a firefighting course at the institute - an entire semester. Just at the exam I had a ticket on fire safety of villages and hamlets, I well remember the picture from the elementary textbook on fire science - the edge of the village, a forest, a line with arrows designating the width of the safety zone, a tractor with a plough ploughing a ditch.

There are questions - what do fire inspectors do in their spare time when there is an emergency?

As they show on TV - the villages are quite advanced. For example, a village with three houses, but when the village consists of two hundred houses, was there no tractor to plough the land for the whole village? Is there not a single chainsaw for the entire village, to cut down the forest and expand the area? There is enough time from the visible smoke to C.


There is plenty of time from smoke visible to C.

"(2) The villagers decided to protect it from fire by digging a ditch and cutting down bushes and trees approaching the edge of the street. This they did. The cops arrived, drew up a report on the people, accused them of unauthorised logging and sabotage, and took them to the police station. I had to write letters to officials with the request that they let the people go...
Meanwhile, from the other, "untreated" end of the street, fire came. The street burned to the ground." http://maturm.


People have been weaned from self-organisation and independence for decades. They have been weaned. Yes, even if a couple of months ago they would have organized themselves and decided to dig in according to all the rules.

Two years ago in the Novgorod region, villagers received free of charge felling permits for construction, firewood,

Now everything's in the logging business. Some kind of systemic crisis


The Kolos camping house in the Kozhevenny Cardon area of Voronezh burned down completely, as did the Sputnik, Rosinka and Mayak camping houses nearby. Also the Sputnik, Rosinka, and Mayak were heavily damaged. 2 days before the fire I spent 2 weeks here on holiday. Kozhevennyi kardon is a protected area, and a favorite vacation spot for all Voronezh citizens. There were more than a thousand people on the burnt-out camping sites at that moment. People swam to the other side of the river, it was the only chance to survive.

One firefighter died fighting the fire