Your opinion... - page 4

Not very flattering reviews about this DC, perhaps the DC itself and the person concerned...
Conspiracism resembles the thinking of a paranoid person who sees conspiracies against himself or herself. The adherents of conspiracy theories believe that everything is directed against the groups to which they belong or with which they identify. Any attempt to disprove a conspiracy theory can be interpreted by its proponents as part of the conspiracy itself. It could be argued, for example, that these words were written by members of a global conspiracy to cover up the truth.

Conspiracy theory (also known as conspiracy theory) is a set of hypotheses attempting to explain an event (series of events) or process as the result of a conspiracy, i.e. the actions of a small, secret group of people aimed at deliberately controlling certain historical processes.

"I think the most likely targets for the authors of conspiracy theories are tragedies of inadequate magnitude," he explains. - For example, the President of the United States is assassinated by a loner. It's somehow unfair, somehow wrong, it just can't happen. This loner couldn't just do it, there has to be a bigger force behind it.

Frank Spotnitz,
author of 'The X-Files'.

It's simpler here - petty fraud, you can compare it to various false generals, deputies. They all have to signal their presence...
The condition for a conspiracy detective to unfold in our minds is a reduction in thinking from the analytical to the associative level. This is most evident in people with intellectual disabilities. If they are told: "your DNA analysis showed...", they then retell it as: "DNA came in, our man, and he showed us something".
You should ask Slava, he has four accounts frozen, waiting for the price to come back from the sky...

Who is this Slava?

A friend of yours?


And who is this Slava?

Your buddy?

Well... the country should know its heroes ))



Apart from the above, conspiracy science is a utopia, a dream about the very possibility of a conspiracy. Anyone who has ever organised anything knows how difficult it can be when more than three people agree with each other. To be on time, to act cohesively, not to quarrel on the first day, to share authority and reward...

Faced with a lot of problems at all these stages, we begin to dream that somewhere there are other people, not like us, and they know how to secretly, efficiently and long term do some important things, coming to meetings on time and not blabbing on drunkenness. And imagining that such people exist somewhere, we immediately feel how different they are from us and inevitably begin to demonise them.

The idea of a conspiracy is a utopia that somewhere there are collectives capable of far more effective action than what we have been used to observing all our lives. But believing this makes us uncomfortable - implausible. Our experience does not support such an assumption. No one has ever seen such efficient, secretive and long-term organised people. There is too much anthropological optimism. Why can they do what we never manage? The answer is obvious - they are aliens, secret lizards, mutated X-men, Zion sages who have sold their souls to the devil and keep the secrets of bygone civilisations. Then it all makes sense.

The conspiracy idea is a utopia that somewhere there are collectives that are capable of much more effective action than what we are used to observing all our lives. But believing this makes us uncomfortable - implausible. Our experience does not support such an assumption. No one has ever seen such efficient, secretive and long-term organised people. There is too much anthropological optimism. Why can they do what we never manage? The answer is obvious - they are aliens, secret lizards, mutated X-men, Zion sages who have sold their souls to the devil and keep the secrets of bygone civilisations. It all makes sense then.

Just quote the whole site.

What's the big deal?

P.S. Nothing is obvious and you are already drawing conclusions?

The idea of a conspiracy is a utopia that somewhere there are collectives capable of far more effective action than what we have been used to observing all our lives. But believing this makes us uncomfortable - implausible. Our experience does not support such an assumption. No one has ever seen such efficient, secretive and long-term organised people. There is too much anthropological optimism. Why can they do what we never manage? The answer is obvious - they are aliens, secret lizards, mutated X-men, Zion sages who have sold their souls to the devil and keep the secrets of bygone civilisations. Then it all makes sense.
What do you mean?
What do you mean?

Parrot. There's a bird like that. What it remembers, it plays back.

Without the slightest clue as to the meaning. :)