Your opinion...

So? The result is great, if it's not a fake, the trader is successful, or his advisor
Why did you choose this particular trader in the ranking he is fourth?
so? the result is great, if not a fake, then the trader is successful, or his adviser

does he play sports - or does he make money?


4 million starting from exactly 10k ...

account opened in 2007

and not a single withdrawal.

Do you really believe that?



and not a single withdrawal.

Do you really believe that?

And for a period of two and a half years, 50% of the profits (~2 lakhs) are made in one trade (or one day) .....

I don't know whether to believe it or not.

It is unclear what the drawdowns were on the account, it was monitored only 23 days ago, although the account is almost 1000 days old. Deals are hidden. Why wasn't it monitored before and why deals are hidden is up to everyone to decide.

I texted that mars 30

He says he's trading hands.

I think he charges from 20K if I'm not mistaken.

In general, everything made me wary and I stopped communicating with him


does he play sports - or does he make money?


4 grand starts at exactly 10k...

account opened in 2007.

and not a single withdrawal.

Do you really believe that?


What is there to believe? The monitoring is before your eyes.

Unless, of course, it's a joke or a fake.


All you have to do is to ask for the account to be credited :), which is unlikely to happen.

By the way -- something similar (probably even this very account) came up a couple of months ago with another comrade.

So the trader is probably looking for investors. But not on onyx :). All imho.


Why would he need an investor of 20,000 when he has a real 400,000 of his own!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


A clean scam