Conversation with a trader - page 17


Do you think the Championship 2010 sponsors are dts too?

give me a link to a place that does not have a spread, or geographic coordinates or at least a photo.
do you have the funds? enough to at least move the market...not to mention the creation of a trend
do you have the means ? enough to at least move the market...let alone create a trend...

I don't have that much money.

Do you only give the link to those who can move the market? Why only them? Is the link secret ?


I don't have that much money.

Do you only give the link to those who can move the market? Why only them? Is the link secret ?

Slava is probably confused between the stock market and the over-the-counter market, and he probably doesn't consider the commission as money, the spread is more important

I don't have that much money.

Do you only give the link to those who can move the market? Why only them? Is the link secret ?

If necessary, I would have found a way to contact the relevant bank ... Unfortunately my finances are far from that (and unlikely to come close to it) to look for a link to e.g. Mr. Trichet ... but I do not have that kind of money ... If I had, I would have found a way to contact the relevant bank ... Unfortunately, my finances are far from that size (and unlikely to come close to it).
Mish, when you get the link, will you share it with me? I want to move the market, too...
Slava is probably confused between the stock market and the over-the-counter market, and he probably doesn't consider the commission as money, the spread is more important...

forex is just a tiny tip of the financial market iceberg... where all the sectors are intertwined and interconnected... futures... options... commodities and commodities... etc...

And traders even in Forex are like bacteria satellites in the human body... Forex does not exist because there are traders (it will continue without changes even without them)...


forex is just a tiny tip of the financial market iceberg... where all the sectors are intertwined and interconnected... futures... options... commodities and commodities... etc...

and traders even in forex are just like bacteria satellites in the human body... Forex does not exist because there are traders (it will continue to exist without them) but the opposite...

You know best.

and traders even in forex are just like bacteria satellites in the human body ... forex does not exist because there are traders (it will exist without them without changes) but vice versa...

Exactly and food shops do not exist because there are food producers and hungry customers

Car dealerships are not there to exchange money for cars, monitors and computers in general are there to beautify the house like fish in an aquarium, and clothes you have to buy not to get dressed but because there are clothing shops

We look forward to the article


Exactly and food shops do not exist because there are food producers and hungry customers

Car dealerships are not there to exchange money for cars, monitors and computers in general are there to beautify the house like fish in an aquarium, and clothes you have to buy not to get dressed but because there are clothing shops

We look forward to the article

Forex is primarily an interbank foreign exchange market and it exists because there are differences in exchange rates and the currencies themselves ... and not because traders have appeared - by definition, even people trying to make money on exchange rate fluctuations

A trader is essentially the same as a money changer at a savings bank ... with the difference that on the internet...