Why are the "Dear Ones" sending everyone to JOB? - page 14


And stop being lazy, reading and taking the classics for granted. You want the classics, read the Bekhterevs. then any .... from Jung and Freud to pop and Kashperian.

In any case, better your own, mature and understandable ...

imho, of course.


Ideas proposed on the forum by newbies are below the level of criticism, and the reference to Job, imho, is quite legitimate. On the other hand, you may find a novice programmer who will write and post code for free (oh, naivety, we all were like that :)))

Sorry, I couldn't resist, not having read the whole thread to the end. I want to answer right away. I am a beginner, but I don't consider my ideas beneath criticism in any way. I came here, to this forum (and will stay here for a long time) for you know what reason?

I had an idea, but I was not able to write in MQL4 (and I still do not know how to do it). I ordered a programmer to implement my idea. I have got a frank corrupted messer for 100 Gs (the price should have been 400) and I refused to go further to modify what I have been given and pay for his nonsense - I have done it silently, without swearing, just thanked him for his work.

I came here, read the SK tutorial, found "Useful Functions from Igor Kim" and did everything myself. My strategy (not the one I am refining now, but the first one commissioned to a miserable programmer) turned out to be profitable. Sorry, but this programmer has ONLY positive reviews on the web.

It turns out that the snot-nosed novice implemented his strategy, and the super-programmer did not do it - stupidly took his money and returned the code made ONLY from Igor Kim's functions.

Tell me - all beginners need to start programming? Or come across the same kind of tricks for money? I do not want to offend anyone with unfounded claims - I'm sure that most people here would not do the same to me, considering me a "jerk".

But there are people like me who, because of their meagre knowledge, are asking for help with their undertaking, and you just go and pay the money... And he could have been a pretty decent programmer with his fresh ideas, which may have sent him to ... to ... would have picked up on.

In my opinion, it is much easier and faster to help someone in silence, than to meddle in the proceedings, especially since for many it is a trifle. The person will understand and see everything later.

And if he does not understand and see, he will go to the ... joba... :)

And lastly... He writes "help", not "sell".

Or is it just there, there are helping hands in the jobe, without gilding that you won't get help... And once you get it, you'll be disappointed to realize that my idea... my idea...


a question to armenian radio: -is there a man's friendship?

The answer is: yes, but sooner or later nature will take its course ...

and they'll go looking for a third.

That's the only option I know :)


I know an enormous amount of jokes myself and am a very sociable and friendly person by nature, but I have never littered any space in any forum that I know of. Arguing and arguing with moderators over their work is a stupid thing to do. And jokes can be told in another thread.


If a person immediately writes that he/she wants to buy/order something in MQL, he/she should provide a link to Jobs. You can also send a link to the article How to order a trading robot in MQL5 and MQL4

I know a huge number of jokes myself and am very sociable and friendly by nature, but I've never littered any space in any of the forums I know. Arguing and arguing with moderators over their work is a stupid thing to do. And jokes can be told in another thread.


That's commendable, of course, but then you should read the whole topic.

The anecdote was posted for fun, but what is considered to be a flood is another matter.

If a person right away says that they want to buy/order something in MQL, they should provide a link to the Jobs service. You can also submit an article on How to order a trading robot in MQL5 and MQL4

Totally agree, when there is a clear and concise development request, you can send a colleague to many addresses, reducing his wanderings. But the suggestion to moderators that we need to somehow distinguish more carefully between the desire to learn on one's own (maybe even freebies, why not? Frankly speaking, I've begged my colleagues for pieces of code myself) or to order the code has a reasonable basis. And making decisions about "interestingness" of this or that thread is generally inadmissible. This is not a forum for moderators.

I understand that it's "hard to be a god" and in general I agree with many decisions of my colleagues, but it seems to me, that a moderator should influence the "content" only within the Rules. And there about another thing :o)

If the forum has outgrown the rules - change the rules, if I am not mistaken, for example, on Alpari (in some section, but I think it was accurate) you need to write to the moderator about your desire to create a branch, and send its content. If the topic is considered interesting and not repeated - create.

PS: the emblem "moderator" is exactly the same (whether it stands next to Rosh and granit77 or etc.), and there is no need to weaken it with categories like "public moderator", "semi-moderator", etc. It's not even advisable to put it on display, it's your internal kitchen and regulations.


... deciding whether or not a thread is "interesting" is generally unacceptable. This is not a forum for moderators.

... I think a moderator should only influence the "content" within the Rules. And that's not what it's about :o)

... If the forum has outgrown the rules - change the rules, if I'm not mistaken, for example, on Alpari (in one of the sections, but I think it was accurate) you have to write to the moderator about your desire to create a branch, and send its content. If the topic was deemed interesting and not repeated, they create one.

Quite right, a thread is deleted by a moderator on the grounds spelled out in the Rules and nothing else. He can influence the content by discussing the topic as a user. As for tightening the Rules along the lines of Alpari, I am rather against it. Remember Rann' s moderating style and compare it to the one here.

I would like to take this opportunity, for those who haven't read the thread from the beginning, to post the factual basis of the discussion titled " Why are "Dear" sending everyone to JOB?" by the author.

There have been a total of 12 referrals to www.mql5.com/ru/job so far, 5 of them from moderators, 7 from users.
Of the 5 moderator references, 2 were made in threads where the author immediately offered to pay for the work, and 3 in threads where the author did not offer payment.

Of these 3, in one case, the moderator advised to rewrite the code on the five, in connection with which the link, in the second case, the author turned to the moderator with a request to write a code for money (received refusal).

Total: during the existence of the resource paid orders moderators 3 times gave a link to www.mql5.com/ru/job in topics where the author did not offer payment.


That's commendable, of course, but then you should read the whole topic.

The anecdote is just for fun, but what's considered to be a flood is a question of opinion.

Thank you. I wrote my last post after reading the whole thread.

ZS. I liked the anecdote. Only sometimes it happens that in search of a solution you are exhausted by jokes and mockery (it happens so too) before you find (or not) what you need...
I know myself that I should not look for a solution to something here... I am just interested in the topic.


Sorry, I couldn't resist reading the whole thread. I would like to respond at once. I am a newbie, but in no way do I consider my ideas beneath the level of criticism. I came here, to this forum (and will stay here for a long time) for you know what reason?

I had an idea, but I was not able to write in MQL4 (and I still do not know how to do it). I ordered a programmer to implement my idea. I have got a frank corrupted messer for 100 Gs (the price should have been 400) and I refused to go further to implement what I have been given and pay for his further trash.

I came here, read the SK tutorial, found "Useful Functions from Igor Kim" and did everything myself. My strategy (not the one I am refining now, but the first one I ordered to a woeful programmer) turned out to be profitable. Sorry, but this programmer has ONLY positive reviews on the web.

It turns out that the snot-nosed novice implemented his strategy, and the super-programmer did not do it - stupidly took his money and returned the code made ONLY from Igor Kim's functions.

Tell me - all beginners need to start programming? Or come across the same kind of tricks for money? I do not want to offend anyone with unfounded claims - I'm sure that most people here would not do the same to me, considering me a "jerk".

But there are people like me who, because of their very poor knowledge, are asking for help with their undertaking, and you just go and pay for it... And he could have been a pretty decent programmer with his fresh ideas, which may have sent him to ... to ... would have picked up on.

In my opinion, it is much easier and faster to help someone in silence, than to meddle in the proceedings, especially since for many it is a trifle. The person will understand and see everything later.

And if he does not understand and see, he will go to the ... joba... :)

And lastly... He writes "help", not "sell".

Or is it just there, there are helping hands in the jobe, without gilding that you won't get help... And once you get it, you'll be disappointed to realize that my idea... my idea...

I'm sorry, I got a little excited...

A programmer only implements what's written in the terms of reference. And profitability is subjective.

How sad that anyone who wants to engage in EA development, a minimum knowledge of programming is required, at least for the competent drafting of the TOR. What will be higher quality, faster and cheaper - to write yourself or order, it is up to you to decide.

Help with advice, no problem. And in a job for that seems no one sends, in a search - happens).

By asking for help to write, is often meant that someone will write a program from beginning to end :)

Just want to spend time on checking other people's ideas - a rarity)