Why are the "Dear Ones" sending everyone to JOB? - page 5

There is some truth in what you say. In your example, it wasn't the moderator who sent the author, although that doesn't change the matter. So far I don't see a correct way out of this situation. We will think about it. But later. Right now football is very exciting, we need to watch it. :))

It's always like that - you put up a picture and no explanation!
Well, that's the way it always is - you put up a picture and no explanation!

Well, as always, we'll write first and then we'll see! :))

Follow the link on the previous page.


You're not interested. You are interested in labeling and contradicting yourself and accusing the moderators of all the deadly sins. I hope we didn't ruin the chapel, did we?


Where did I contradict myself? My bumper got scratched yesterday - it's not like I'm blaming the moderators

Your reasoning is correct... And your opponents are not made of stone. Everyone understands, but not everyone's interests are taken into account.

that could be, too. But you, for example, have participated in openly promotional threads. But at the same time, these topics usually ended up with very original and interesting ideas, regardless of the topic you started with. No?

Yes, I did, for now a lot of information on the forum for myself and therefore often here I am in all the threads

I think when my questions will be answered in the forum materials, then I will appear less often, I repeat - there is a need for fresh ideas - a new topic and your idea to start, for many random people do not carry the idea and not looking for freebies


Here's a great solution by the way: in the form of a new topic, insert the same banner, and / or text description of the new service.

When creating a topic, let the person immediately see that he can just order a development. And if he decided to create a topic on this forum and not in the job, it means that the "author was thinking when he wrote the text" and it is "unethical" to send him there ;)


Judging by the reasoning, one speaks first and thinks later. Or maybe the process is limited to the first step.


You're not interested in that. You are interested in labeling and contradicting yourself and accusing moderators of all mortal sins.

How long have you been a moderator, my dear? I remember when I was a mere mortal you didn't allow yourself such a tone.

And the fact that a moderator has no right to emotion and should be exemplary correct, have you ever heard of it? Not to mention accusing others of labeling themselves.

I personally witnessed the case described by Demi. A person was called a boor, and his repeated requests for a post with the appropriate content were met with silence. And now it turns out that he has also been banned. I guess he was banned for demanding an apology for unwarranted insult.

Or maybe you were the moderator? That explains the question:

Demi : What didn't you like about my argument?

remained unanswered.

Demi's point of view has some basis in fact. Just like the concerns of the topicstarter. And there have been some perfectly sound thoughts expressed here, both about the forum and the work of moderators, and about the promotion of the new service. If any moderator thinks it's all nonsense and nonsense should be mercilessly strangled, it's very unfortunate. It begs an analogy with the struggle against dissent in the FSU. :-(

Where have I contradicted myself? My bumper was scratched yesterday - I do not blame the moderators

With the bumper, you were right to suppress the urge to blame it on us. That would have taken the discussion to an irrational level.

As for the controversy, please.

1. "all left very polite and nice" - and at the same time: "a strange man who wrote in very strange terms and continues to communicate the same way".

So who's left here, the nice ones or the weird ones?

2. you accuse moderators of being too harsh, then suddenly "regularly write a few users withdefiant language", it means moderators are too soft?

So overly harsh or overly soft? "What are we supposed to do now, break up?" (c).

3. "But how solemnly chopped down! In one fell swoop!"

In one fell swoop it's quick and efficient, and solemnly it's a deliberate outward effect. I still don't know what you prefer? Pick one or the other.

4. "Pardon the language, but you have to answer for what you say.

There is a conceptual contradiction here. The user, as you yourself said, "took responsibility for the bullshit" and in the same style you suggest that the moderator should take responsibility for it. In a dispute between two entities, if one of them is higher in rank, there can be no such thing in principle. If the moderator is wrong, the user can appeal his actions to the moderator's PM, then to the forum administration. When you dealt with the bumper, did you know with whom and in what tone to talk, and to whom, and what to complain?


Ideas proposed on the forum by newbies are below the level of criticism, and the reference to Job, imho, is quite legitimate. On the other hand, there might be a novice programmer who might find the idea interesting and write and post code for free (oh, naivety, we all were like that :)))


This very starvation is simply a dead end, for the reason that everything has already been discussed, taken apart, tried, tested and sucked to the bone 10 times over. There are those who have accepted the harsh reality and those who continue to believe in fairy tales, that's all.

And the forum itself survives solely through its specificity - there are coders wandering around, and wonderful scripts are being written ... And all the ideas are as old as the world, or just hilarious.

Just now noticed....

There is nothing like that Denis. This is a deep misconception.